PJ Day Tuesday and Moving Wednesday

Hello Division 13 Families!


A quick update… Our class has filled our rock jar with all their hard work, kindness, and listening. This means that tomorrow we will be having our class reward. Tomorrow students can wear their PJ’s to school and bring 1 stuffed toy. We will watch a film in the afternoon.

Wednesday we will be moving classrooms. Please drop off your child at our classroom door and pick them up 4 doors down in room 5 at the end of the day. It is between Ms. Toor and Ms. Silva’s classroom.

Tomorrow I might send home extra items that are not needed to make our transition to the temporary classroom easier. Please let me know if you have any questions.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Important Upcoming Dates

Hello Division 13 Families,


We have an exciting and busy June ahead! Please check out the newsletter and Calendar for information and things to remember. I will update the blog with any information that comes up that I might have missed.

June 2022 Newsletter

This Tuesday we will have library because the library will be in use on Wednesday. Please return library books tomorrow.

This Wednesday we will be having a presentation at 9am. Please arrive on time at the first bell this day as we will be leaving our classroom at 8:55 for the presentation. I will not be in the classroom to open the door after 8:55. So you will have to go to the office if you arrive late.

We might try to do a walking field trip to central park one morning if anyone is available/ interested in joining please let me know! It would likely be the week of June 20-24.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond


Forest Friday

Hello Division 13 Families,

Tomorrow we will be going for a walk with Ms. Kal’s class. We are going rain or shine so please send your child with rain boots and a rain jacket tomorrow. Some students also need inside shoes and extra clothes, if you can check in with your child or me afterschool.

A friendly reminder that the weather can change unexpectedly on the west coast and while it might look sunny in the morning, the rain can surprise us at any point in the day it seems. Please try to leave rain gear at school as the students go out rain or shine. If they refuse to wear it to school, send it along and I will kindly encourage them to wear it at recess and lunch so they stay dry. 🙂


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

April Calendar and Newsletter

Hello Division 13 Families,


I hope you all had a wonderful spring break and that you were able to have some family time together!

Now that our protocols and guidelines are shifting there will be some things that we are able to get back to once again. On Monday we will have our first family reading!! It will be weather dependent but as long as its not raining we will go ahead with it. Family reading is a great way for children to build a home to school connection. I will have books available and seating pads to sit on.

Here is our calendar and newsletter for this month. If you would like a printed copy of the calendar please let me know and I would be happy to print one for you.

April 2022 Newsletter


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Upcoming Dates

Hello Division 13 Families,


We have a lot happening next week, here is a quick summary!


Monday February 21- Family Day No School

Students have worked really hard to create kindness coupon books filled with their ideas of how they feel and show kindness at home with you. They brought these home today to share with you for family day weekend.


Wednesday February 23- Pink Shirt Day

On Wednesday, please wear pink. We wear pink to show that everyone can we pink, we celebrate diversity and all the wonderful things that make us who we are.


Friday February 25- Professional Development Day No school

Teachers will be busy learning, there is no school for students.


I hope you all enjoy a lovely family filled weekend!


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Arrival Reminder

Hello Division 13 Families,

I hope everyone is doing well! We have been off to a great start to our kindness month and having a lot of conversations about what it means to be kind to ourselves and to our community.

I wanted to share a friendly reminder that our school bell rings at 8:50 and Instruction begins at 8:55. In the last month we have had quite a number of people arriving late to school. I recognize that mornings can be a challenge, but it can be disruptive to the start of our day when students are coming in late. I like to have the first 10 minutes for students to chat, say hello, and do a calm activity together before we begin our day. It helps to set the tone for the day ahead.

Here is a photo of our bulletin in the hallway. We made some heart balloons and came up with some words that described what kindness looks like to us.



With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Welcome Back and January Newsletter/calendar

Happy New Year and Welcome Back Division 13 Families,


I hope you all had a restful and relaxing break. We were so excited to welcome everyone back into the building yesterday. Last week Suncrest Staff were busy preparing for the safe return of students and planning for a functional closure should that be needed in the future.

Please read through the January Newsletter to see reminders and information for this month. If you have any questions please let me know!

January 2022 Newsletter


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

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