April 20-24 Activities

Hello Division 14 and Families,


Welcome to another week of online learning! Thank you to everyone who shared some feedback about structuring our online learning. I will continue to post these week at a glance plans. Thank you for your hard work at home. You are all doing such amazing things!

When you have a moment please fill out the survey I sent out regarding video conferencing.

Thank you for sharing your Think Outside the Box designs! I love seeing what you create, we had some many fun ideas last week!


Monday, April 20

Journal: Draw a picture and write one sentence (or more if you like) about something you did this weekend. Don’t forget to include detail in your photo and add lots of colour. Share it with me.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘O’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Where does math live in nature? Explore your yard or take a walk nearby. Where do you see math? Think about numbers, patterns, shapes. Mathematicians and Scientists like to record their ideas and thoughts, you can draw a picture to show your ideas and what you notice!

Tuesday, April 21

Activity that makes you happy: What is it about the activity that makes you happy? How do you feel when you do this activity? Do you like to do this activity alone or with a friend or family member?

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘H’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: I am going to leave this activity open. You can use 1 collection or multiple collections of objects and explore the concept of more and less. Think about which numbers are larger and what numbers are smaller.


Wednesday, April 22

Earth Day: Read “We Can Reuse it” on Epic! This book also reads to you and has some questions you can answer at the end. Answer the question, ‘Why is it important and helpful to the environment to reuse objects instead of throwing them away?”

Can you find something in your house that you can turn into something new instead of throwing away? Feel free to get creative and find some ideas on Pinterest if you are feeling stuck. When you are finished share your photo on Fresh Grade and I will make a pic collage to share on our blog!

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘E’ draw and label them.


Thursday, April 23

Think Outside the Box Thursday

TOBT Balloon

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘N’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Canadian Coins



  • What do you notice about the coins? What colour are they, what pictures are on them? What size are they?
  • Listen to the coins of Canada song
  • Explore different ways of sorting the coins. i.e. biggest to smallest, by colour, by worth.

Friday, April 24

Inquiry: In our Padlet, many of you shared that you know our community is made up of people. It is filled with things like parks, recreation centres, schools, and much more. In spirit of Earth week, I would like you to talk at home and draw a picture about something you can do in our community to keep it clean, healthy, and safe!

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘I’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!


Enjoy the week! I look forward to connecting with you all throughout the week.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond