Hello Division 14 Families,

I’m giving this a try for this week and sharing plans for the rest of the week all at once. My hope is that it will give you some flexibility and time in planning your own week. I would love to hear what you think about this.

I am hoping to keep learning fun and engaging by continuing to follow a similar path to what we would do in the classroom. Hopefully, this will be in a way that is manageable for you! This means that my hope is to explore community through an inquiry approach and connect it to a variety of subject areas. This might sound like a lot but I will be breaking it down into steps and activities similar to what we have been doing so far.

In math, we will begin exploring financial literacy soon which is why I have asked for you to be working on some number recognition and counting this week (it should be review for what we did in term 2).


Wednesday, April 15

Brainstorm ideas about community: 


  • computer/internet
  • Alternative is to use paper/voice record answers and upload them to Fresh Grade


  • Go to our private page and use the padlet there to answer the questions below. Instructions will be sent out in an email.
  • Answer the questions: What is a community? What do you know about community? What do you wonder about community?
  • Feel free to read or check back later to see what your friends said!
  • The purpose behind using this tool is so that students can connect and share their ideas with their peers similar to how we would in the classroom. Sometimes our ideas can come from hearing each other’s thoughts.

Letter hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘M’ draw and label them.

Reading bingo: Try to fill in one of your bingo squares while you read today!

How many numbers can you write?: 


  • pencil
  • paper


  • Write as many numbers as you can! Challenge yourself and practice counting while you write. You can even add a dot or a picture to represent your number.
  • BONUS: How many people live in your house? You can circle that number on your page.


Thursday, April 16

Think Outside the Box Thursday

Click here to see!

Letter hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘A’ draw and label them.

Reading bingo: Try to fill in one of your bingo squares while you read today!

Counting collections:


  • Collection (similar to Tuesday)


  • Using a collection of objects sort them into groups of 10 (if you have a lot) or groups of 2 (if you have a small amount).
  • Once you have sorted them you can play around with them and try skip counting them if you like.
  • Are there any other ways you can sort them?


Friday, April 17

Who are some people that work in our community? Talk with your family about some people that work in our community and add your ideas to our Padlet that we used Wednesday.** If you want to do this activity at the same time as the questions that is okay.

Letter hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘P’ draw and label them.

Reading bingo: Try to fill in one of your bingo squares while you read today!

Counting: How many ways can you show the number 5? (you could write the number, use dots like a dice, tally, hand, etc.)


Please remember to send me pictures either on email or Fresh Grade. If you want to wait until the end of the week or when you have a spare moment to send them that is okay too. Thank you to everyone who has been sending them in!

Thank you for everything you are doing at home! I miss seeing each member of Division 14 everyday! I have been enjoying seeing your learning from home though. I’m glad that I still get chances to see you and things that you are doing.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond