
April 9 Activities

Hello Division 14!

I’m posting tomorrow’s activities a little early to see if this will help parents with planning and knowing what is happening a little earlier. Feel free to send me an email with what you prefer (Day of or night before).

Tomorrow, Thursday April 9 at 10am Suncrest Staff are going to be doing a social distancing driving parade in the Suncrest Neighbourhood! We are going to hit the road at 10 am starting at the school and following the map / directions provided. If you are available, situate yourself somewhere on the route and look for the bright Orange vehicle! Make the choice that feels right to you, if this is not something you are comfortable with it is okay to stay home too.

Below is the route we will be driving through. Please make sure you are with an adult and practicing social distancing. If you live somewhere along the route please try to stay in your driveway/front yard or on your porch. It is very important that we are following social distancing rules.

We will head East on Rumble,
South down McKay,
West on Boxer and through the alley way to Patterson turning South,
West on Marine Drive to Joffre,
North on Joffre across Rumble and up to Dubois St.,
East on Dubois to Mandy Avenue,
North on Mandy Avenue to Imperial,
East on Imperial to Mckay,
South on McKay to Irmin,
West on Irmin to Roseberry,
South on Roseberry to Rumble,
West on Rumble back to the School

I can’t wait to see you tomorrow and to say hello and wave to you from the car!


Your 2 activities I would like you to do tomorrow…


1. Think Outside the Box Thursday! 

I am going to try to make this a regular activity because it is fun and creative! Hopefully I can share all your pictures here on Tuesday after you have sent them to me.


  • Think outside the box sheet
  • pencil
  • pencil crayons


  • You can print off the picture or on a blank piece of paper with permanent marker draw the same shape that is shown.
  • Turn the shape into something new! Don’t forget to add lots of colour.
  • Share your picture with me either on Fresh Grade or via email.

Think Outside the Box Thursday | Thinking outside the box, The ...

2. My Heart Fills With Happiness


  • Epic! account or the book My Heart Fills with Happiness by Monique Gray Smith
  • Journal/paper


  • Sign in to Epic!, I have assigned the book so it should appear. If it doesn’t you can search for it in the search bar.
  • Read the book and then talk about things that make you happy. Draw a picture of the thing that makes you feel the happiest and write a sentence starting with, “My heart is happy when…”

Here is a photo of something I made this weekend, it is called needle felting. “My heart is happy when I do crafts and learn how to make new creations.”


I look forward to seeing your learning. Enjoy the long weekend and to those who celebrate Easter, Happy Easter!


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

April 8 Activities

Good morning!


We are lucky to be waking up to find another beautiful day today! I miss our morning check ins but I hope that each of you are finding happiness in your day. I am in the green zone and I am feeling happy and calm this morning. How about you?


Your learning tasks for today are…


1. Letter Hunt

Materials needed:

  • pencil
  • paper/journal


  • I would like you to search your house and maybe your yard to find 5 items that start with the letter ‘T’!
  • Once you find them I would like you to draw a picture. Remember when you are drawing a picture of something new, look at the lines and shapes to help you draw what you see.
  • After you have drawn the picture, label it. What sounds do you hear when you say and stretch out the word!

2. Collecting loose parts: Scavenger hunt!


  • small container or bin
  • piece of blank paper


  • When we play at school we use a lot of loose parts when we do story workshop, counting collections, and even when we build. These are all ways that we play when we are learning.
  • Today I would like you to search for materials at home that you can use! They can be from outside or inside. If you feel stuck you can think about things that we use in our loose parts collection in the classroom! Rocks, acorns, small sticks, leaves, buttons, pom poms, some loose screws. Possibilities are endless!
  • Play with the materials you found! What stories live in these objects? Snap a photo and send me your creations! I love seeing the things you are creating and doing at home. It gives me ideas and helps me to feel connected to you!
  • When you are collecting keep in mind that at some point you will need to put these back, so it is very important to use your memory and think about where you found the items. If it is okay with your parents you can talk about finding a special place to store these items at home for when you want to play with them.


Parents, I have shared a schedule which you can find on the menu bar. Please don’t feel like you need to follow it exactly. I know that each of you have different set ups at home and so the schedule might need to be a little different for you. I hope that you are all doing well, remember that this week is to start building some flow and routine. I don’t expect us to have it all figured out right away. If you have any questions, no matter how silly they might feel, please ask. I am here to help and support you, especially as we figure out this new online learning together.


This is where I placed by bee rock yesterday in central park! You can find it near a garden by the pond!


With kindess,

Ms. Raymond