
April 26-May 1 Activities

Hello Families of Division 14,


Here is the plan for this week!



This week on Wednesday or Friday please work on our inquiry activity.


  1. Visit our Padlet on the Inquiry page. Add your ideas to our jobs in the community.
  2. Select a job you would like to explore more.
  3. Using Epic!, find a book about a job in the community and record what you learn, just like a researcher. Some things you might think about recording include.
    • The job title
    • Draw a picture of a person in uniform or doing that job or dress up like them and take a photo!
    • What is their role in the community?
    • What is important about what they do? (you can think about what would happen if we didn’t have someone that does that job).
    • Where do they work? (i.e. school, hospital, nursing home, office, parks, airport etc.)
  4. A great way to record this information is to create
    • a pic collage (It is a free app that you don’t need an account for. It can be downloaded onto a phone or ipad)
    • a poster (big or small)
  5. Send it to me via email or share on Fresh Grade. I will share them on our password protected page for classmates to see. Please let me know if you are not okay with this. If your child’s face is in the picture I will blur/cover their faces before it is shared.

This is not meant to be a big fancy poster but a fun way to share students learning with each other. It can just be a blank piece of paper with a picture and some point form of them answering the questions provided above. Students can even send a voice recording of what they learned if they like.

Please send me an email if you have any questions or are curious about how something works. I’m here to help!


Tuesday, April 27

Journal: Draw a picture and write one sentence (or more if you like) about something you did this weekend. Don’t forget to include detail in your photo and add lots of colour. Share it with me.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘W’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Find What’s Missing? (Source:



Wednesday, April 21

Inquiry: Work on the inquiry activity listed above.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘Q’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Making 5-sum-Memory card game


  • Create a deck from 4 ones or aces, 4 twos, 4 three, and 4 fours.


  • Deal out the cards face down.
  • Players take turns turning two cards face up.
    If a player turns a pair upward and that pair sums to 5, the player puts that pair of cards in their stash and plays again.
  • If the upward pair does not sum to 5, the player turns the cards back face down, and the next player moves.
  • The game ends when the cards are all claimed. Whoever has the most cards wins.


Thursday, April 23

Think Outside the Box Thursday

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘R’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Making 10 using different combinations of numbers. Use the PDF provided.

Making 10


Friday, April 24

Video Conference: Friday at 11:00 AM we will do another class video call.

Inquiry: Continue to finish this weeks inquiry activity.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘L’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Pro-D Day Monday April 27

Hello Families,


I hope you enjoyed some time outside this weekend! It was so great to connect with most of you on Friday! I think we might try that again this Friday, if the time works for everyone. This time we will do a sharing ‘circle’ and an activity. Students did an amazing job taking turns and listening respectfully to everyone.

Tomorrow is a Pro-D day, so I will be in meetings. I will be sharing this weeks activities later tomorrow afternoon or evening.

Here is last weeks Think Outside the Box Thursday!

With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Earth Day Activity!

I just wanted to share some of Division 14’s creations from yesterday! You did such a great job of creatively finding recycled materials and thinking about how you can reuse it and make it into something new.

My favourite thing to reuse at home is glass jars. As you know we have some in our classroom window with coloured water that we mixed. I use them for plants and I’m also using them as weights while I am doing exercises at home!

I also asked you why it is important to reuse materials? One of your classmates (SW) said, “So you don’t have to buy something new and you don’t have to throw away so much stuff.” Which is a great point! If we find ways to reuse things multiple times, then we are reducing waste! Which is very important when we think about taking care of our Earth. I think it also makes us more mindful about the things that we buy and how much waste they contain.

I hope you have fun playing and using your new creations!


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

April 20-24 Activities

Hello Division 14 and Families,


Welcome to another week of online learning! Thank you to everyone who shared some feedback about structuring our online learning. I will continue to post these week at a glance plans. Thank you for your hard work at home. You are all doing such amazing things!

When you have a moment please fill out the survey I sent out regarding video conferencing.

Thank you for sharing your Think Outside the Box designs! I love seeing what you create, we had some many fun ideas last week!


Monday, April 20

Journal: Draw a picture and write one sentence (or more if you like) about something you did this weekend. Don’t forget to include detail in your photo and add lots of colour. Share it with me.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘O’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Where does math live in nature? Explore your yard or take a walk nearby. Where do you see math? Think about numbers, patterns, shapes. Mathematicians and Scientists like to record their ideas and thoughts, you can draw a picture to show your ideas and what you notice!

Tuesday, April 21

Activity that makes you happy: What is it about the activity that makes you happy? How do you feel when you do this activity? Do you like to do this activity alone or with a friend or family member?

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘H’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: I am going to leave this activity open. You can use 1 collection or multiple collections of objects and explore the concept of more and less. Think about which numbers are larger and what numbers are smaller.


Wednesday, April 22

Earth Day: Read “We Can Reuse it” on Epic! This book also reads to you and has some questions you can answer at the end. Answer the question, ‘Why is it important and helpful to the environment to reuse objects instead of throwing them away?”

Can you find something in your house that you can turn into something new instead of throwing away? Feel free to get creative and find some ideas on Pinterest if you are feeling stuck. When you are finished share your photo on Fresh Grade and I will make a pic collage to share on our blog!

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘E’ draw and label them.


Thursday, April 23

Think Outside the Box Thursday

TOBT Balloon

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘N’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Canadian Coins



  • What do you notice about the coins? What colour are they, what pictures are on them? What size are they?
  • Listen to the coins of Canada song
  • Explore different ways of sorting the coins. i.e. biggest to smallest, by colour, by worth.

Friday, April 24

Inquiry: In our Padlet, many of you shared that you know our community is made up of people. It is filled with things like parks, recreation centres, schools, and much more. In spirit of Earth week, I would like you to talk at home and draw a picture about something you can do in our community to keep it clean, healthy, and safe!

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘I’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!


Enjoy the week! I look forward to connecting with you all throughout the week.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Hello Division 14 Families,

I’m giving this a try for this week and sharing plans for the rest of the week all at once. My hope is that it will give you some flexibility and time in planning your own week. I would love to hear what you think about this.

I am hoping to keep learning fun and engaging by continuing to follow a similar path to what we would do in the classroom. Hopefully, this will be in a way that is manageable for you! This means that my hope is to explore community through an inquiry approach and connect it to a variety of subject areas. This might sound like a lot but I will be breaking it down into steps and activities similar to what we have been doing so far.

In math, we will begin exploring financial literacy soon which is why I have asked for you to be working on some number recognition and counting this week (it should be review for what we did in term 2).


Wednesday, April 15

Brainstorm ideas about community: 


  • computer/internet
  • Alternative is to use paper/voice record answers and upload them to Fresh Grade


  • Go to our private page and use the padlet there to answer the questions below. Instructions will be sent out in an email.
  • Answer the questions: What is a community? What do you know about community? What do you wonder about community?
  • Feel free to read or check back later to see what your friends said!
  • The purpose behind using this tool is so that students can connect and share their ideas with their peers similar to how we would in the classroom. Sometimes our ideas can come from hearing each other’s thoughts.

Letter hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘M’ draw and label them.

Reading bingo: Try to fill in one of your bingo squares while you read today!

How many numbers can you write?: 


  • pencil
  • paper


  • Write as many numbers as you can! Challenge yourself and practice counting while you write. You can even add a dot or a picture to represent your number.
  • BONUS: How many people live in your house? You can circle that number on your page.


Thursday, April 16

Think Outside the Box Thursday

Click here to see!

Letter hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘A’ draw and label them.

Reading bingo: Try to fill in one of your bingo squares while you read today!

Counting collections:


  • Collection (similar to Tuesday)


  • Using a collection of objects sort them into groups of 10 (if you have a lot) or groups of 2 (if you have a small amount).
  • Once you have sorted them you can play around with them and try skip counting them if you like.
  • Are there any other ways you can sort them?


Friday, April 17

Who are some people that work in our community? Talk with your family about some people that work in our community and add your ideas to our Padlet that we used Wednesday.** If you want to do this activity at the same time as the questions that is okay.

Letter hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘P’ draw and label them.

Reading bingo: Try to fill in one of your bingo squares while you read today!

Counting: How many ways can you show the number 5? (you could write the number, use dots like a dice, tally, hand, etc.)


Please remember to send me pictures either on email or Fresh Grade. If you want to wait until the end of the week or when you have a spare moment to send them that is okay too. Thank you to everyone who has been sending them in!

Thank you for everything you are doing at home! I miss seeing each member of Division 14 everyday! I have been enjoying seeing your learning from home though. I’m glad that I still get chances to see you and things that you are doing.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

April 14 Activities

Hello Division 14 Families,


Here are the images from our Think Outside the Box Thursday last week. Thank you for sharing, everyone is so creative!


I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, we were so lucky to have some so much sun! I’ve been enjoying walking by all the cherry blossoms in our community. There is so much beauty in spring!

I am going to try to share the rest of this weeks activities tomorrow but for now I will share tomorrow’s activities.


Journal: Draw a picture and write one sentence (or more if you like) about something you did this weekend. Don’t forget to include detail in your photo and add lots of colour. Share it with me on Fresh Grade.

Letter hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘S’ draw and label them.

Reading bingo: I have created a fun reading bingo for you to do at home. I have left some blanks for you to fill in. Ideally you do one each day and spending about 20 minutes (or more if you like) reading.Your task today is simply to print out and fill in the bingo wiht your own ideas or if you don’t have a printer, draw a table and you can practice your writing by copying it down. This can also just be done whenever as it is optional. Click here for Reading Bingo.

Counting Collections: This is something that we have done in the classroom together. A collection is just a collection of objects. Could be rocks, marbles, food, loose change, bag of missing buttons… anything you can count.


  • Collection
  • optional: paper and pencil


  • Count your collection. How many do you have?
  • You can do this with multiple times with different materials


If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to share something about learning at home please email me. Please don’t forget to just do what you can manage on a schedule that works best for you!


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

April 9 Activities

Hello Division 14!

I’m posting tomorrow’s activities a little early to see if this will help parents with planning and knowing what is happening a little earlier. Feel free to send me an email with what you prefer (Day of or night before).

Tomorrow, Thursday April 9 at 10am Suncrest Staff are going to be doing a social distancing driving parade in the Suncrest Neighbourhood! We are going to hit the road at 10 am starting at the school and following the map / directions provided. If you are available, situate yourself somewhere on the route and look for the bright Orange vehicle! Make the choice that feels right to you, if this is not something you are comfortable with it is okay to stay home too.

Below is the route we will be driving through. Please make sure you are with an adult and practicing social distancing. If you live somewhere along the route please try to stay in your driveway/front yard or on your porch. It is very important that we are following social distancing rules.

We will head East on Rumble,
South down McKay,
West on Boxer and through the alley way to Patterson turning South,
West on Marine Drive to Joffre,
North on Joffre across Rumble and up to Dubois St.,
East on Dubois to Mandy Avenue,
North on Mandy Avenue to Imperial,
East on Imperial to Mckay,
South on McKay to Irmin,
West on Irmin to Roseberry,
South on Roseberry to Rumble,
West on Rumble back to the School

I can’t wait to see you tomorrow and to say hello and wave to you from the car!


Your 2 activities I would like you to do tomorrow…


1. Think Outside the Box Thursday! 

I am going to try to make this a regular activity because it is fun and creative! Hopefully I can share all your pictures here on Tuesday after you have sent them to me.


  • Think outside the box sheet
  • pencil
  • pencil crayons


  • You can print off the picture or on a blank piece of paper with permanent marker draw the same shape that is shown.
  • Turn the shape into something new! Don’t forget to add lots of colour.
  • Share your picture with me either on Fresh Grade or via email.

Think Outside the Box Thursday | Thinking outside the box, The ...

2. My Heart Fills With Happiness


  • Epic! account or the book My Heart Fills with Happiness by Monique Gray Smith
  • Journal/paper


  • Sign in to Epic!, I have assigned the book so it should appear. If it doesn’t you can search for it in the search bar.
  • Read the book and then talk about things that make you happy. Draw a picture of the thing that makes you feel the happiest and write a sentence starting with, “My heart is happy when…”

Here is a photo of something I made this weekend, it is called needle felting. “My heart is happy when I do crafts and learn how to make new creations.”


I look forward to seeing your learning. Enjoy the long weekend and to those who celebrate Easter, Happy Easter!


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

April 8 Activities

Good morning!


We are lucky to be waking up to find another beautiful day today! I miss our morning check ins but I hope that each of you are finding happiness in your day. I am in the green zone and I am feeling happy and calm this morning. How about you?


Your learning tasks for today are…


1. Letter Hunt

Materials needed:

  • pencil
  • paper/journal


  • I would like you to search your house and maybe your yard to find 5 items that start with the letter ‘T’!
  • Once you find them I would like you to draw a picture. Remember when you are drawing a picture of something new, look at the lines and shapes to help you draw what you see.
  • After you have drawn the picture, label it. What sounds do you hear when you say and stretch out the word!

2. Collecting loose parts: Scavenger hunt!


  • small container or bin
  • piece of blank paper


  • When we play at school we use a lot of loose parts when we do story workshop, counting collections, and even when we build. These are all ways that we play when we are learning.
  • Today I would like you to search for materials at home that you can use! They can be from outside or inside. If you feel stuck you can think about things that we use in our loose parts collection in the classroom! Rocks, acorns, small sticks, leaves, buttons, pom poms, some loose screws. Possibilities are endless!
  • Play with the materials you found! What stories live in these objects? Snap a photo and send me your creations! I love seeing the things you are creating and doing at home. It gives me ideas and helps me to feel connected to you!
  • When you are collecting keep in mind that at some point you will need to put these back, so it is very important to use your memory and think about where you found the items. If it is okay with your parents you can talk about finding a special place to store these items at home for when you want to play with them.


Parents, I have shared a schedule which you can find on the menu bar. Please don’t feel like you need to follow it exactly. I know that each of you have different set ups at home and so the schedule might need to be a little different for you. I hope that you are all doing well, remember that this week is to start building some flow and routine. I don’t expect us to have it all figured out right away. If you have any questions, no matter how silly they might feel, please ask. I am here to help and support you, especially as we figure out this new online learning together.


This is where I placed by bee rock yesterday in central park! You can find it near a garden by the pond!


With kindess,

Ms. Raymond


April 7, 2020 Activity

Hello Division 14!

Today I have 2 activities for you to complete!


1. Science: Hand washing Experiment

It is really important to wash our hands to prevent the spread of germs. For this activity, you will experiment to see why washing our hands is so important.

Materials needed:

  •  Water
  • Pepper
  • Hand soap


  • Put pepper and water in a shallow bowl and have your child dip their finger in it.
  • Discuss what they notice when they do this.
  • In another small bowl have your child dip their finger in some soap then place that finger back into the water/pepper solution.
  • Discuss what happens when they do this.
  • Take this time to discuss important times of the day when we need to wash our hands.
  • Please either record a video, take a photo, or write about the experiment that your child conducted.

Below is a video of the original experiment:


2. Art: Connecting with our community

Many of you are missing school and missing your classmates and wanting to feel connected. I am feeling the same way! So I thought this would be a fun way for us to connect with one another while still social distancing.

Materials needed:

  • Paint/Chalk
  • Rock


  • Go outside around the house and look for a rock that you like. When you have found a rock that you like (preferably not too big) bring it inside.
  • Gather your paint and paintbrushes.
  • Think about a positive message or picture you would like to write or draw on the rock.
  • When you are ready paint your idea onto the rock.
  • Once your rock is dry, snap a photo and send it to me via email or Fresh Grade. I will share a pic collage of all our rocks and when you go for walks with your family you can keep an eye out for your friends rocks!
  • With an adult, you can leave your rock somewhere close to your house or if you and your family go for walks you could bring the rock and leave it somewhere for somebody to find.
  • If you don’t have paint, you can use chalk to write on the rock or use the chalk to write/draw a positive message outside your house on the sidewalk (please make sure your family is with you when you are outside)
  • Get creative and have fun!

* I will be placing my two rocks somewhere along the paths in central park! That is my favourite spot to get out and stretch my legs. It is important to make sure we are social distancing still so please make sure you give other people lots of space on your walk if you travel through there.*


Have a wonderful day! I can’t wait to see your creations and hopefully find your rock on my daily walk in our neighbourhood!


**To use Fresh Grade you’ll need to check the email from me about Fresh Grade. The email you received from Fresh Grade connects you to the parent app, which only allows you to comment on your child’s portfolio. You need the student app and the access code I sent to post photos and videos. Thank you to those who have been posting. I love seeing what is happening at home and what you have been up to!


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond


Our First Learning Task

Hello Division 14,

I hope that you enjoyed the sunshine this weekend! I spent the weekend reading, cooking, baking, and doing some homework of my own. Spike picked up a book himself and found a cozy spot to read. I picked him up last week so that he can join in on our learning too. I hope that you are finding time to read at home as well! Feel free to send me a picture on Fresh Grade of your favourite reading spot.

Today I would like you to…

1. Create a poster with your family that shares a positive message with people in our community. It can say something happy or can be a thank you to our essential service workers who are out in the community working hard. Once you have created the poster you can display it in your window, on the door or in the hallway of your building. Make sure your writing/drawing is big and clear so your neighbours and friends can see it if they are out walking. Once it is finished you can share your pictures on Fresh Grade.

2. Find a cozy spot to read with a sibling, parent, or your favourite stuffed animal.


This week I will be adding more resources/activities and playing with a schedule to share for those of you that were interested in one. Please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or if you would like to check in.

Hope you have a wonderful day!


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

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