Acrostic Poem – Welcome to Division 7

Acrostic Poem

| Posted in Authors at Work

The next time you are outside of Div 6, check out our Acrostic Name Poems. We worked hard in the computer lab, practicing our typing skills as well as our spelling (we did our best in identifying each letter sound that we heard in the word, Mrs.Ralph may have helped us a little bit with the spelling of really difficult words). Our objective was to use describing words and/or sentences to describe ourselves.

Can you think of an Acrostic Poem for Summer? I started a poem, can you help me finish it?


Sparkling sunshine in a clear blue sky

Unpack a picnic lunch at the beach

Make a beautiful sandcastle




Image result for clipart of sun

1 thought on “Acrostic Poem”

  1. dad says:

    what does yours say Evan!?!?

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