Perspectives and Connections – Welcome to Division 7

Category: Perspectives and Connections

In Social Studies are are busy creators as we develop our very own community. Ask your child what service they created, was it a school, a post office, a fire station and more. What form of service does that occupation serve to our community? How does that ensure that our needs are being met? Do the needs and wants vary among communities? How can a community’s needs differ based on climate? or geographical location?

Through our exploration of communities, we are beginning to have meaningful conversations about diversity. We are gaining awareness and perspective of diverse cultures and backgrounds. We are demonstrating our self-awareness of our individual differences. Through the picture book, Lovely by Jess Hong, we discovered that we are all lovely individuals, “lovely is different, weird and wonderful”. The students thoroughly enjoyed speaking with each other about their similarities and differences among themselves. Do we enjoy different foods, live in different houses, have different families, speak different languages, have different hobbies, have different eye colour etc? What is the importance of have these wonderful differences?  Why is diversity important?

I encourage you and your families to continue these wonderful conversations at home and continue to wonder, ask questions and discover answers.


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