Scientists – Page 3 – Welcome to Division 7

Category: Scientists

Zodiac Signs

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Our love + curiosity for the Sky’s night objects has transferred over to our recent Art lessons.

We were in awe learning  about the different stars in the sky. We then became enthralled with the fact that we each have a different Zodiac sign pertaining to our birth date. We then discovered that a group of stars in the sky can form a shape of an animal, mythological creature, man, woman, or object (like a crown, compass or microscope). These star formations are called constellations. Did you know that there are a total of 88 different constellations in the sky?

We LOVED learning about our Astrological Zodiac Signs. We read, listened and viewed the different Greek mythologies pertaining to our Zodiac Sign.

Our recent Science discoveries inspired our water colour Constellation Art. You can view your son/daughter’s art on their Blogfolio.

What Zodiac sign are you?

What is the mythology meaning behind your sign?



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We are learning Astronomy in Science right now and our excitement is out of this world!

We are learning about the common objects in the sky, this includes the sun, moon, stars, constellations, sunrise, sunset and the solar eclipse.

When learning about the sky’s objects we have gained an understanding of the First Peoples’ knowledge of the sky and how these objects came to be. Through the use of story telling we have listened to a variety of stories that describe how the sun, moon, stars and constellations were all created. The various stories have allowed us to reflect on different cultural customs, traditions and beliefs.

Ask your young scientist to tell you the following stories:

  • The Raven Stole the Sun
  • Coyote and the Sun
  • The Sun and the Moon
  • Coyote and the Stars (+ Constellations)

Water is Life

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As we continue to explore the water cycle we are quickly beginning to realize the impact that water plays within our ecosystem, our world and the survival of all living things. The amount of water that we have on planet earth has been the same for millions of years, we are not gaining more of it. As a result, we need to protect and cherish the water that we presently have. The water that we are washing our hands with before lunch has travelled near and far to reach our hands. Once it goes down the drain the adventure begins yet again as the cycle is continuously happening around us. Where will it go next? We have an influence upon the water that shimmers along our west coast beaches. Be the change, make a difference and have a positive impact upon how we are treating, using and recycling our water.

Students are currently working on a persuasive writing piece that will evolve into a persuasive ‘radio’ message that they would like others to hear. The purpose of their persuasive piece is to convince and persuade their audience to help protect our water as it is vitally important to our planet.

Along with their very own recording ‘radio’ message, students are creating their own Water Poster to spread their message!

Please stay tuned. Radio messages will be uploaded to your child’s Blogfolio once they are complete.


The Water Cycle

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Loren Eiseley

In Science we are exploring the Water Cycle. We are discovering the magic that is contained in water and the impressive journey that water takes throughout our planet.

A water droplet can go from being in a well, a typhoon in Thailand, rain in Rwanda, snow in Siberia, a lake in Louisiana, a swamp in Switzerland, a plain in Spain, underground water for hundreds of years to being our tap water that we brush our teeth with morning and night.

Students were excited yesterday to be learning about the water cycle diagram. So, we made our own! We are going to be observing and monitoring our very own exposed water and see what happens.

The Water Cycle theme has also made its way into the form of a dramatic play. Ask your child what role they will be playing, and what their job is within the water cycle.

Stay tuned!

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