Uncategorized – Page 3 – Welcome to Division 7

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It is with sadness that I write this last Blog post for Division 6 class of 2019. What an incredibly special group of young learners this class was. I look back upon this past year with the fondest memories, a full heart and an excitement to continue to follow the journey of possibilities that lie ahead for the children.

Thank you to all the wonderful, curious, eager children I had the chance to work and grow with this school year.  To the families of Division 6, thank you for your unconditional support, involvement, dedication, commitment and joy that you shared with your child and myself. It meant the world.

As per request, we started off our day with a DISCO BALL! It was performance day after all and the disco ball really set the tone! We began the morning with some centre time, checkers was in full swing, architecture building was under way, creative play-doh creations were developing before our eyes as well as the fossil exploration!

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Another great idea from a student during our party planning was to have some time with the Kindergartens. We met in the morning and had an extended recess outside in the sunshine!

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This afternoon it was SHOWTIME! Students shared their favourite toys, creations and talents. To end our day we had a VERY special visitor who was a complete surprise to everyone, it was…. ALFIE! I don’t know who was more excited, myself, Alfie or the kids?!


Water is Life

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As we continue to explore the water cycle we are quickly beginning to realize the impact that water plays within our ecosystem, our world and the survival of all living things. The amount of water that we have on planet earth has been the same for millions of years, we are not gaining more of it. As a result, we need to protect and cherish the water that we presently have. The water that we are washing our hands with before lunch has travelled near and far to reach our hands. Once it goes down the drain the adventure begins yet again as the cycle is continuously happening around us. Where will it go next? We have an influence upon the water that shimmers along our west coast beaches. Be the change, make a difference and have a positive impact upon how we are treating, using and recycling our water.

Students are currently working on a persuasive writing piece that will evolve into a persuasive ‘radio’ message that they would like others to hear. The purpose of their persuasive piece is to convince and persuade their audience to help protect our water as it is vitally important to our planet.

Along with their very own recording ‘radio’ message, students are creating their own Water Poster to spread their message!

Please stay tuned. Radio messages will be uploaded to your child’s Blogfolio once they are complete.


In Social Studies we are talking all about communities.

What is a community? —-> Who lives in a community? —-> What is inclusion? —-> What does an inclusive community look like?

Students are working in groups to design and construct their very own community. We are in the preliminary  stages were we are (a) learning to effectively and respectfully communicate to our group members (b) actively communicating to have our ideas expressed and heard; but also to have a listening ear and open mind to others’ ideas (c) plotting out and brainstorming how our community would appear from a bird’s eye view perspective.

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Questions and criteria to consider include the following:

  • include at least 5 occupations in your community, what will those be?
  • include roads as a form of transportation throughout your community
  • what rules/and or laws will your community live by? —-> this led to a conversation around why do we need rules/laws to live by? —-> what would our class, school, community, country, world look like without laws?
  • include natural resources within/and or surrounding your community
  • how will your community protect + conserve the natural resources surrounding your community?

We read the book The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates (which is a wonderfully adorable book with a powerful message). Ask your child how the big umbrella was inclusive? How are you inclusive to others around you? How do you contribute to living in an inclusive community?


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