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Short + Sweet

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Although this week was a shorter week, it was still a full, productive week of joy and learning.

In Social Emotional Learning (SEL) we are exploring a variety of emotions. This calming exercise allowed us to identify various emotions we were feeling and to communicate those feelings through colouring. I enjoyed observing the different colours that the students chose to identify their feelings. For example, some felt that brown represented goofy where as others thought goofy was better represented by yellow or pink. The beauty of this activity, is that it is self expressive, there is no right or wrong answer. However, a telling response was that many students were feeling tired and or calm on Monday afternoon after returning from Spring Break.

In Science, we continue to explore the wonders of butterflies! This week we took an in-depth look at labelling the body parts of a butterfly. Ask your scientist if they remember what the purpose of a proboscis is, hint is that it acts like a straw; can they recall what the three body segments are on the butterfly? Next, we worked on distinguishing the differences between a moth and a butterfly? Have your curious scientist explain to you the differences in how to accurately identify a moth from a butterfly and visa versa.

In our Landforms Unit in Social Studies we continue to examine Landforms, but are now taking an in-depth look and analyzing how the land can be changed by environmental factors. On Thursday and Friday we discussed at length how the Earth experiences both rapid and slow changes. We continue to discuss and explore the various environmental factors that can influence a rapid change on Earth’s land, some examples include a volcano, tsunami, wildfire, earthquake and landslide. Can you think of more examples that causes a quick and rapid change to the land? We have just begun to look at the definitions of Weathering and Erosion and trying to distinguish the differences between these two words. Currently we are describing the process of weathering as making a mess. A mess is created from the weathering process because large rocks are broken down into smaller pieces. Erosion follows Weathering, as Erosion cleans up Weathering’s mess. Erosion will take away the broken down pieces of smaller rocks. Stay tuned as we continue to explore these new terms and definitions.


In P.E. we continue to practice our ability to demonstrate safe, fair play, leadership and good sportsmanship in a variety of individual and group games and activities. On Friday we played a variety of physical distant games that incorporated a variety of fundamental movement skills. These games also relied upon our listening skills and stressed the importance of playing cooperatively. Movement Master was a big hit in Division 7 today and I believe it will make a regular occurrence in our rotation of games. Since Movement Master relied upon so many gross motor movements, the students were easily able to monitor their physical exertion levels.


Finally to end our week we splashed a bit of colour on our walls with our chalk pastel tulips to represent that Spring is here as well as exploring the use of shape and line to create our unique and creative Funky Bunnies to line our hallway.
I hope everyone has an enjoyable and restful long weekend!



Hello families of Division 7, 

My name is Mrs. Ralph and I just returned from maternity leave. This week we wasted no time to immediately dive into some new routines as well as new learning concepts and big ideas. Please follow along on our class website for weekly updates and to catch a glimpse of our learning journey. Thank you for joining us!

Math – Geometry


Gr 2s are exploring the multiple attributes of 2D shapes and 3D objects. Gr 3s have just been introduced to the use of their very own textbooks. They too are exploring a unit on Geometry. Their focus is currently on polygons. Can you name the polygon that has 5 sides? How many sides does an octagon have?

Science – Butterflies

Our big idea is that living things have life cycles adapted to their environment. As inquisitive learners, we wonder, how are life cycles similar and different? Just this week we looked at the term metamorphosis and how it applies to butterflies – it is the structural transformation that a larva undergoes to become a butterfly. 

We connected Science + Art together as we made a crayon resistant watercolour butterfly painting. Stay tuned as these butterflies will soon be decorating our hallways and adding a pop of colour!

Socials – Landforms 

We are beginning to review our understanding of the various landforms that shape our world. We will take an in-depth focus on how environmental factors such as wind, ice, water as well as human impact and how they affect the shape of our land. How many land and water formations can you name? Ask your child if they remember what a plateau is? How can islands be formed? 

Language Arts 

Writingvisualizing – we are working on incorporating rich, descriptive language in our compositions to allow our reader to visualize our words. Currently this week we began working on a written piece that focuses on a type of weather and we are connecting the weather to our senses. What does this weather look like? What does this weather do? What does this weather sound like and how does this weather feel?

Reading – as good readers we are working on our ability to connect to a story by making connections text to self, text to text and text to world. We are also practicing our ability to infer, to use clues to develop meaning from the text. I read the book Seven Blind Mind by Ed Young and did not show the students the illustrations. They practiced inferring by relying on clues from the text to determine what this strange and unknown ‘thing’ was. 

Core Competencies – we are focusing our attention right now on the Core Competency of Communication “ I can share my ideas and questions” and “I can listen to others.” As a listener it is important to remain respectful and demonstrate whole body listening to our speaker, this includes listening with our eyes, ears, mouth, arms and legs. 

Our hallways were buzzing with excitement (and sugar) this morning as we walked down to the gym for our annual pancake breakfast with our big buddies!


We all have full bellies and even fuller hearts! It was a great start to our Thursday morning! A great big thank you to the fire fighters that volunteered their time to make us breakfast and to our lovely parents that organized and hosted a fantastic breakfast. We are full of gratitude towards all of you.



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Today in Math, the Grade 2’s were introduced to Canadian coins and their corresponding value. Our mathematicians were given a value and had to determine more than one way to represent the monetary value.


  • Can you represent 45cents using exactly 5 coins? What coins would you use?
  • How many different ways can you represent 63cents?


During some exploration time in the gym, the students were divided into two teams. They were given 15 minutes to apply their critical thinking skills in order to communicate and cooperatively work together to develop ‘something.’ The students were thrilled and hit the ground running with ideas.

Planning, building, re-building (after the first attempt was not always as successful as envisioned), trying again, working together, navigating different ideas and compromises quickly evolved right before my eyes. It was fascinating to observe these curious, creative and enthusiastic thinkers. I stressed to the students that I wanted them to explore + play and to use their communication skills to share, and build upon one another’s creative ideas. Compromise can sometimes be a tricky thing for our young learners to handle, but this group quickly navigated this new territory and effectively worked together.

This open ended activity fits perfectly in line with our thinking core competency, “I can get ideas when I play. I get ideas when I use my senses to explore. My play ideas are fun for me and make me happy. I make my ideas work or I change what I am doing.”  

When we are playing, are we still learning? What do you think? 

Answers from the students of Division 7:

  • we can learn how to build stuff
  • if we are playing, we are still using our eyes which helps our eyes grow
  • when you build with Lego it is like you are on a construction site and being a real life construction worker
  • your brain is still working
  • your brain gets bigger and stronger when you are playing
  • you play and work with others
  • you learn to be a good friend
  • you are a communicator

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