Business Fair Overview

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all doing well! We are officially moving into Business Fair and all the students are very excited. While most of the project will be done at school, there is a very important piece that must be done at home. Making the products! Student are required to make the products on their own time and coordinate with any partners on their own time outside of school as well. In school we will be working on the design process, market research, posters, logos, advertisements and designing their stands for the day of. Along with this, students are responsible to purchase any supplies they will be using, along with float money for the day of.

Here is a quick breakdown of business fair:

-Vendors (parents/students piggy bank) will purchase supplies. All receipts are given to Ms. P and will be put in the student’s money pouches and will be kept at school. Receipts are going to help us figure out the product price point, as well as how much to pay back the vendors once business fair is done. Students need these receipts in order to do their calculations.

-Approximately a week before business fair I will ask all students to bring their float money to school. This will also be funded by parents/student piggy banks. The float money is $20 per group and must be in change. Float money is so students can operate as a business the day of and give change to their customers. If all goes well, float money should remain at $20 and be returned back to you or their piggy banks in full!

-Once business fair is done, this is the calculation we will follow.

Total amount made – supply cost (to pay back vendors) – 20% for a donation to a charity = amount students get to keep!

-It is VERY important that students act as if they are paying back their vendors. I recognize that some parents may allow their child to keep all the money, but for the purpose of the project they must act like a real business.

*It is important to note that if your child is working in a partnership, they are responsible to figure out how they will split the cost for supplies and the float money. *

*It is also important to note that donating to charity is non-negotiable and the charity chosen will be disclosed closer to the date! *

Business fair is a very fun way for students to get create and learn real-life lessons! I recognize that this is a new project for many this year so please reach out if there are any confusions or questions! You are also more than welcome to come into our class at the end of the day to have a look at our Business Fair due date board.

Thank you!

Ms. P

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