Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is doing great! I wanted to take this time to send a quick update in regard to the Grade 6’s trip to watch the Legally Blonde show at Shadbolt this Wednesday (Feb 28th). All grade 6’s will be using public transit (bus) from Aubrey to Shadbolt, and back. They will be leaving anytime between recess and lunch and will be heading back after school. Depending on the bus times, they may be back anytime between 3:30-4:30. Once we figure out the exact bus time we expect to catch I can let you all know the exact time you should aim to pick your child up at.
Along with this, grade 6’s will be going to Shadbolt with Ms. Gillen (French teacher) and the grade 5’s and some 6’s will be staying behind with me.
Thank you!
Ms. P