Musical Activities from Mr. O'Donnell

Month: May 2020

Make your own mallet

make special…

We will learn how to make a mallet to beat percussion or pitched percussion.

In future music classes, we will have to find new ways to participate in music while observing physical distancing.  Each student having their own mallet will be able to play the set up instruments like xylophone, bass bars, glockenspiel, percussion. We will learn how to make a mallet to beat percussion or pitched percussion.

You will need… rubber bands and/or wool or thread, some tape and a stick about 1 – 1.5 feet. At the end, you will need an adult’s help to use the thread and needle.

Music Notation

Translating sounds into images and images into sounds.


Western Music Notation is a way to write down the pitch and rhythm of all instruments using a system called the staff system which looks like this…




Graphic Scores

musicians can also follow abstract images such as these…

Now try drawing while listening to some music.   Repeat the same song and add to the drawing’s interpretation of the music. Does your picture follow the movement of the sounds? Keep drawing and adding details… always listening to the music.