District Learning Site
Mrs. heard’s blog
Library Blog
- For French-English word translation use https://www.wordreference.com/
- DuoLingo Kids App
Visual Dictionary
Boukili – Create your own account to listen to and read along with simple French stories.
Epic! – Make your own account. There are lots of stories available to listen to and read along with.
The Fable Cottage These are children’s stories translated into French with optional English translation and slow audio and even a video option from a native French speaker. Great for kids… and adults too! Enjoy!
Count to 20 with Mme Noble
Virtual Manipulatives (Dice, spinners, counters, number lines etc.): https://www.didax.com/math/virtual-manipulatives.html
A math document created by Carole Fullerton that is full of ideas for incorporating Math into daily life and seeing Math all around us.
How to count with “Tallies” :
Get active
- Cosmic Kids Yoga – follow along to a Yoga story, do some Disco yoga, or do some Super Yoga!
- Go Noodle Zumba
- Go Noodle follow along dance videos