Learning through our senses, touching , smelling, seeing, hearing and tasting,

wakes up our whole body to exploring and gain understanding about our World.


                                                                                                         SALT PLAY                                                                                                         

Take a tub ,a Baby’s bath tub, plastic tote or big pot that is easy to reach into and

add salt about 1/4 full than add

some funnels and scoops different sized measuring cups.


You could make it a play  scene with rocks, animals, wood…

Fill the container 1/4 full of salt and some cinnamon or other smell

the Child likes.



  Goop, Corn starch and water.

This is a magical potion to work with, as it change it’s texture throughout

the exploration. It can be hard and  solid then change quickly to watery.

Only two ingredients needed corn starch and water.

Mixing in a tub deep enough not to spill out but shallow enough to play.



I f you have an old shower curtain or plastic table cloth, put it under the tub to play.

The clean up is so easy, just water and your skin will feel so soft after playing in it.

This can be kept, but not completely covered or it will mold. You can add food coloring for

added exploration ,drop by drop, the Children will love to do this by themselves.

If you add too much water it will evaporate over time don’t worry, just play and have FUN!



Add some items that the mixture can ooze through and be played with, not too many!



2 cups flour, (can use gluten free for children with allergies or intolerance)

1 cup salt

2 tablespoons cream of tartar ( can buy at save on foods at highgate in bulk bins)

3 tablespoons of vegetable oil or (baby oil smells nice)

2 cups boiled water.

You can add food coloring, coca , smells. The possibilities are endless.

Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl.

Add boiled water, color and or scents together.

Then add wet ingredients to the dry and mix together.

Stir and knead until cool and ready to play.

Play-dough problem solving:

If your dough is too crumbly : add a little more oil

If your play-dough is too stickyadd a little more flour

If you want scented play-dough: add herbs, spices, essential oils or food extracts, vanilla or lemon

If you want your play-dough to last a long time: Store it well in a plastic bag or container.



It is for All ages, and Home made is best!

Sensory: Playing with dough can be both relaxing and uplifting!

Wonderful sensory play material that can be added to for more

exciting sights, smells and textures. Great activity for rainy days

and or a pre-bedtime relaxing routine.

Fine motor: With every knead, squash and molding of dough your

children are working on their fine motor skills , developing strength,

control and flexibility in their fingers, hands and wrists. This paves

the way for successfully holding a pencil to write, fastening buttons

and tying their shoe laces.

Imagination and free play: By adding in different colors and scents or

providing props to go with the dough, you’re offering a stimulating environment

where they can stretch their imaginations and create their own play.

Math, Language and science: If you make your own play dough, your

children can count and weigh the ingredients and see domestic science in

action as the components combine. The variety of materials we use bring lots

of extra vocabulary into play, lot’s of chat, questions and speech development.

Enjoy my Friends until we play with play-dough together again!

Take Great care and have Fun together!!!




Cloud dough is very different from typical play dough.

It is soft and crumbly, but you can also squish it together

and it will hold it’s shape. It is Great for making sand castles with.

4 cups flour

1 cup vegetable oil or baby oil.

You can add glitter or powdered paint for shimmer and color!

ENJOY, Ms. Trish