It’s Spring!

Happy Spring, everyone!

It’s been a few weeks since we returned from Spring Break, and have we ever been busy! I am getting back in the swing of remembering to take photos and post on SeeSaw- sometimes it’s difficult not to get caught up in the moment with the kids.  They are doing lots of incredible things at the moment, growing leaps and bounds (unlike our bean plants :/ )

Math:  We have had SO much fun with shapes since Spring Break, exploring them in all kinds of ways. 2D and 3D shapes, building from nets, using marshmallows and toothpicks, creating LOTS of art, playing with magnet shapes and so often I am hearing kids discussing different shapes throughout the day, noticing objects around the room: “Hey! Our pencil container is a cylinder!” “I know– so is the pencil!”  Geometry has definitely been a hit!

Literacy:  We have also been enjoying learning poetry– reading it and writing it.  Some real poets have emerged in our class and it’s inspiring! We are loving Shel Silverstein and other poets, and exploring some descriptive words. We are also still working on our daily reading, our word play (most recently learning ‘ng’, ‘n’, ‘g’ and ‘nk’ endings.  Look for and discuss these at home.  They are tricky!

Science: All about plants…. we have been learning about plant parts and life cycles. We are trying to plant and document beans, but it’s been a little slow going.  We are all really interested in plants and living things, so this next month will be fun, moving from plants to animals.

Art: We are always engaging in art, through all subject areas. We have learned about Paul Klee and the Sakura festival. We are doing lots of painting and decorating, and using shape and symmetry to create.

Gym: Soccer was a blast.  The students had so much fun learning from the professionals and (with a little help from Mr. Maan) are practising skills in PE now. We are also trying to get outside as much as the sun will allow!

We continue to learn about the seven sacred teachings, recently learning the 5th sacred law: Honesty.  Using the seven sacred teachings has been so wonderful and on a daily basis the kids are referring to them and asking to learn the next law! Using story to teach and learn how to be your best person in the world really is transformative! Thank you to the Anishanaabe elders and anscestors for sharing these stories and letting us share them with our children. We also continue to explore our emotions and how to self-regulate in class.

This week marks Earth Day, and our students will be celebrating in a few different ways.  One way is that I invite the students to start bringing in a show and tell from something special from the natural world (not a toy).  I will let you know when it is your child’s turn to bring something in to share!

I will also (finally) be sending home some ‘homework’ to try and eat something from all different parts of the plant.  This should be coming home this week!

Thank you for all your support at home.  I can’t believe we are in the last stretch to summer.  This begins the bittersweet time of seeing so much growth in the students but recognizing our time together as a class community will come to a close. This is the time to enjoy each other’s company, the sunshine and be present.

Take care, and thanks again!

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