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Je lis website

Our school has bought a subscription to the Je lis website (many of you may be familiar with it from last year). Your child will bring home a little card in their agenda today with the website and their login information. This website should be used in conjunction with the home reading books that your child brings home (aim for one book every night). Not all levels will be available to your child. After reading with your child, we have chosen the levels that are at your child’s level. We suggest they start at the lowest level, reading at home is meant to be at their independent level (not too difficult-we can provide a challenge in class). This website is great because students can listen to the story as well as read it themselves. We suggest that your child both read the story and listen to it. There are not infinite stories at each level, so if your child reads them all in a few days, there will not be new ones (unlike the classroom books that they can exchange every day) so spread them out and of course they can reread the stories. Happy reading.


Home Reading

Today we are starting  our home reading program. Your child is bringing home a ziplock bag with 5 books. These books should be at your child’s independent reading level, meaning that they can read these books almost completely by themselves. For some of our early readers, this may not yet be the case and they may need a bit more help from you.  These books will stay with you for 1 week. Please send them back every Friday (or Thursday if Friday is a non-instructional day). Books can be read several times as repetition improves fluency and confidence.As students improve in their reading, they will bring home more challenging books. Along with the books, there will be a reading log. Students can keep track of the books that they have read (in English or in French). Please initial beside the title that they have read to you. They will receive a sticker for each page read and a bookmark, certificate and pencil once they have read 100 books.

Developing a daily reading habit provides for ample reading practice as well as a connection between school and home reading. If possible, set aside 10-15 minutes every day to read with your child. As they read, ask them questions and have them make connections between what they are reading and their own experiences. Happy reading!

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