Hello Clinton students & parents,

Welcome and thanks for visiting my website, glad to have you here! I teach French to the intermediate grades and Physical Education to some of the primary grades here at Clinton Elementary. This is my 2nd year as a Clinton Star and I’m thrilled to be back for the 2023-2024 school year!

For those of you who are new, here’s a little bit of info about me. This is my 14th year as a teacher. In my classroom, every voice matters, everyone is included, and given lots of opportunities to grow. You can expect things to be interactive and hands-on whenever possible. When things get a little tough in your learning journey, you will always hear me encourage you to be a “positive potato.” A little progress each day can add up to big results.

Outside of the classroom, I like to play volleyball, basketball, dance, and snowboard. I love to travel, I’ve been to 17 countries and hope to keep exploring more!

Because I am teaching a total of 13 divisions this school year, I have created this website for easy communication with my students. On here, you will find that I may post announcements, reminders, resources, assignments, or handouts. This way, if you’re unsure or may have forgotten what I mentioned in class, you can hop on and take a look to jog your memory.

I also coach the girls’ volleyball and girls’ basketball teams at Clinton so you can find information about games and sports related announcements here on my website when the season begins.

I am at Clinton on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays if you ever wish to reach out, ask questions, or share your thoughts. Alternatively, you can email me at andrea.liu@burnabyschools.ca.

I am looking forward to an exciting new school year and the incredible things we will achieve together as a team!

Warm wishes,
Ms. Liu