Good Questions


Learn how to make a scientific argument using claims, evidence, and reasoning – Tutorial Part 1 of 5

Wisdom Begins with Wonder

Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science. ~ E.P. Hubble

Learn more about how to think creatively and scientifically by exploring the following links and learning tools.  

What makes a good inquiry question?


A good question is an invitation to think (not recall, summarize, or detail).


  A good question comes from genuine curiosity and confusion about the world.


  A good question makes you think about something in a way you never considered before.


  A good question invites both deep thinking and deep feelings.


  A good question leads to more good questions.


  A good question asks you to think critically, creatively, ethically, productively, and reactively about essential ideas in a discipline.

 a good question is:

  open-ended; typically there is no-one, correct answer


  points towards important, transferable ideas within (and

sometimes across) disciplines

Student Sheet #1:  Tips for asking good science questions

Student Sheet #2: Tips for developing a strong scientific hypothesis

How can mistakes coincidences and surprises be used to generate new knowledge?


Allergy to Originality – Where do good ideas come from?