Dear Families,
Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!
We have welcomed a new friend to our classroom – Welcome Natnael!!
We are beginning our unit on identity by learning about our families. This week we have made a class book that shows our family as well as painting our family. Next week, we start to discuss how are families are different and the same. This term we will be focusing on several learning goals. We will be learning:
- The ways in which individuals and families differ and are the same
- Our personal and family history and traditions
- The needs and wants of individuals and families
- How to engage actively as listeners, viewers and readers to develop understanding of self, identity and community
- How to create stories and other texts to deepen awareness of self, family, and community
Some Important Dates:
Monday is the last day to order Pizza Lunch – please do that online as directed on the letter that was sent home. Pizza lunch is on Jan. 24th.
Friday January 20 – Popcorn Day $1
Week of January 23rd – Literacy Week – More information to come next week
Monday January 30th – Professional Day No School for Students
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms. Hutchinson
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