Sports Day!  The students were put into colour teams (Red Cherry, Yellow Lemon, Blue Raspbery and Green Apple. It was a day of fun, competition, comraderie and many cheers! ASk your child about each race they competed in….perhaps the photos will help them to explain to you what was happening. 



Potatoes!  We planted, grew, cared for, harvested, washed and cooked 313 potatoes that were grown over the past 3 months! We have also planted and harvested peas and turnips. The students were given the opportunity to taste pan fried turnips as well and many were happy with how they tasted! The students got their hands dirty digging for the potatoes and were even able to find the soggy seed potatoes that were the original planted seeds!  Ask your child how they looked!  We planted 25 seed potatoes and ended up with 313 potatoes (of various sizes) to eat! The students were amazed at this yield! 

c       c   .  .

Growing VegetablesWe have grown a variety of vegetables this year. Some have grown enough so that we can eat them, like radishes, turnips and peas, while others will continue to grow and ripen throughout the summer and fall. I invite you and your family to go and see if any vegetables are ready and give them a taste! 


ANYTHING BUT A BACKPACK DAY! Students were invited to come to school carrying their school items in anything other than their regular backpack. Check out these creative kids! 

Meeting our pen pals! We wrote letters back and forth with another class in Burnaby and to celebrate a year of getting to know each other on paper, we decided to meet our pen pals in person!  We took the skytrain to their school, played outside on the school playground and then we skytrained home!  It was a fantastic day! 

Young Actor’s!  The students had an opportunity to learn some ways of acting and discovered how acting involves using your imagination, pretending, showing emotions and using your bodies and face to show what you are trying to show. It was fabulous to see the children open up and most developed their confidence as the three sessions progressed!  We used our imaginations to think of how a banana can be used as something completely different than a banana…such as: a telephone, a boomerang, a hockey stivk etc. Ask your child what object they used their imagination with!  Was it the banana? the squeegee? the ruler? the spatula?  What can you do with an everyday object that is different than it’s usual purpose? The students also showed different ways of walking while showing different emotions and different characters and so much more!  

Chicks- We kept our 19 chicks for just over 2 weeks until they were finally taken back to the farm where we received the eggs from. These guys got SO big!  The students enjoyed letting them run on the carpet and many of the chicks enjoyed being held and snuggled with. And yes….they did poop…..a lot!  LOL! 

Barnet Beach- We walked to Hastings, took the city bus to Barnet Marine Park and had a blast playing along the shore with some of the other grade 2/3 classes!  It was a beautiful, sunny day!  Many students were able to find little crabs, catch crabs, see birds and starfish and build castles and dig in the sand!  

Explorations- Over the year, the students had opportunities to learn, explore, test, re-test, build stamina and test out areas of learning they wanted to find out more about. Sometimes this was building something, testing the strength of something, creating something using a variety of materials, finding an art interest, using technology,  learning to do something new (like knitting or drawing), building a marble track or domino track or anything we could think of!  MANY of these opportunities would open the students’ eyes to something they didn’t know or allow them to work together with others for a common purpose. Here is an example of when we took our materials and did some explorations outdoors! 





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