Ms Gourlay – Page 2 – Ms Gourlay's Class

Author: Ms Gourlay

This delightful movie was made by the children using a green screen.  They memorized their lines, rehearsed the scenes together, and acted out their parts while demonstrating patience, perseverance and risk taking. 

This project represents the learning that the children did in regards to The Big Idea of the Science curriculum; Living things have features and behaviours that help them survive in their environment.

The making of the movie encouraged the children to practice their oral language skills and strategies; speaking clearly while adjusting volume, pace, and tone.

It also helped the children to learn to work respectfully and constructively with others to achieve a common goal, and explore artistic expressions of themselves through drama. 

Most importantly, we had a lot of fun!

Please do not upload the movie to social media websites. If you wish to share the video please direct your friends and family to this website.

A special thank you to Janet Chow for her expertise in filming and editing!

These are some of the lovely directed drawings the children did of Chinese dragons.

To all the families that are celebrating Chinese New Year, I wish you good health, and peace wherever you go.  May your whole family be filled with happiness in the coming year!

The children of Division 10 have been learning all about bats.  Bats are unique . . . they are the only mammal that flies.  They are also nocturnal, sleep upside down and use echolocation to locate objects in the dark.  We learned to write a simple, informative report that classifies facts and information about bats into categories. 

Ask your child to read his/her report to you.