Britannia Mine Museum

Hi Everyone!  Didn’t we have the best time on our field trip to Britannia Mine Museum?  It truly was one of my favorites I have ever been on.  It was so nice to see you all so excited when you were searching for gold and other hidden gems in the gravel.  We got a glimpse of how addicting it most likely was for the prospectors to keep  searching for the big strike.  Boys & girls, what were some of the highlights of this trip?  What did you learn?  Invite your parents to share the pictures and tell them about your trip!IMG_2136


Ciao, Noah! 

Hope you, your mom, and dad landed safely in Italy and that you are having a wonderful time.  I am sure the students will want to ask you about your trip, so hopefully, you will be able  to respond at some point in your journey. Take lots of photos and keep a journal!

Take Care,          

Ms. Gabas

A Busy March!

Hi Everyone,

Div. 5 did an outstanding job hosting the March assembly with their buddies, Div. 12.  It was wonderful to see many of you there…I know it isn’t always possible.  I am hoping to get some pictures from parents and any video of the two performances: the street jazz dance to “Pump up the Jam” (old school) and the Reader’s Theatre. All the kids were a little nervous, but you couldn’t even tell.  They performed both perfectly, with great expression, and with smiles on their faces!  Later, we celebrated with some tasty Cosmic popsicles.  What a happy day!  You rock, Div. 5! : )


Hi There Geetika,

It was so great to hear from you!  We hope that you are having a wonderful time in India with your family.  What have you been doing these days?  I am going to ask the kids to send you a note and you can respond to them! 

Take Care,

Ms. Gabas

Social Studies Links

Hi Everybody,

Here are some links that will help prepare you for the upcoming field trip to Fort Langley next Wednesday.  Please make some time to watch them.

Potlatch videos

Hudson’s Bay Co. Fur Trade

Hope you are all looking forward to our field trip!  I want to thank all the parents who were interested in volunteering.  We could take 3 adults this time, and they were chosen randomly by students.  We truly appreciate that you were willing to take the time to volunteer!

Magazine Fundraiser!

Dear Parents and Students,

         On February 12, our class along with Miss Sakic’s class will hear a presentation from QSP to start our fundraiser. We will sell magazines through a catalogue in order to raise funds for our end of the year field trip!  Even though it is a far way off, we are looking forward  to a fun day at Cultus Lake Waterslides in June. In order to make this happen, we need your support!  Fundraising packages will be sent home after a presentation next month!  Perhaps  your co-workers, friends, and relatives will want to take advantage of the good prices and  purchase a magazine subscription or two!

New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your families and friends.  I was just wondering if anyone of you have a New Year’s resolution? I think many of us try to make at least one as we start the year, but we are not always good at keeping it.   However, it is always good to try and remind ourselves of the resolution we made at the beginning of the year.  One of my resolutions is to cleanse things from my house that I no longer use and to give it others who will use them.  What’s yours?  Feel free to share!