Snowshoeing at Grouse Mountain

IMG_0816We had such an amazing time up at Grouse Mountain.  I liked the comment made by a spry elderly man descending  the trail our group was going up,  “Best P.E. class of the year I bet!” he stated again and again with a huge grin. It was the first time snowshoeing for most of our class and so I was very proud that although tired, they kept on going.  It is wonderful to do such things as a class. Not only is it great for our fitness, but for some good bonding time, too.

I have posted the pictures up:

What you can’t get from the pictures was the excited voices, loud laughter, spontaneous singing of carols by several from our class, and of course the delighted screams, yes screams when the gondola swayed passing by two of the towers.  I bet some of the kids loved the gondola ride  best.

Thanks for your support Parents and helping to provide this experience for our students.  Also, hope the parent volunteers had fun and thanks for helping out!

So kids tell us about your experience up at Grouse!




Yukon Dan Was Here!

IMG_0726Boys and Girls,

Wasn’t that a fun afternoon with Yukon Dan?  Did you like the cool hands on activities he prepared?  That was so nice of him to put warm water in the containers for us to gold pan in!  Tell me something you learned from Yukon Dan about Gold and the Gold Rush.  I found him very interesting!  What about you?  I plan on going to Yale this summer to join the gold panning competition on either Aug. 21 or the 22. It would be fantastic to find some gold!  I know some of you are already planning on going and saving the date!  I will see you there!

The pictures and videos of our visit with Yukon Dan are uploaded.

Ms. G


Mystery Stories Recorded!! Listen to them!

mysteryDivision 4’s mystery stories are up and ready to be shared.  The children worked through the writing process remembering to add the special literary devices and adjectives  to enhance their stories while trying to appeal to the reader’s 5 senses.  The boys and girls proofread, self-edited, and peer-edited their work before creating their awesome illustrations and book cover.

To incorporate the use of technology, each student used the Ipad app, “Educreations” and audio taped themselves reading a loud their own story and took photos of their illustrations.  Click on the links to hear their stories or if you have an android phone and have any free app that scans QR codes you can just scan the QR codes below.  If you have an Ipad, you need the free app “Educreations” and a free scanning app.

Here are some pictures of the children enjoying each other’s stories!

If you can’t scan the QR codes you can just click on these links to hear the stories too!  ENJOY!   : )


Keisha’s Story                                Group 4 Stories

Mysteries                                        Group 5 Stories

Mystery Stories                           Group 1 Stories



Remembrance Day!

IMG_0658Today, November 11, is an important day.  Hope you all remembered to do a minute of silence to honour and remember all the soldiers who have died to protect our country and who fought in wars to help others in need of protection.  We appreciate and respect all the soldiers today who continue to fight and protect.  After having a good conversation about war the students brainstormed words together that described the “darkness” and “lightness” of war.  They created beautiful poppies to depict this, which is now available to be seen in the Art Gallery Page above.

Halloween Assembly

Boys and Girls!  You did a fantastic job singing our “Halloweenized” version of the French greeting song, Zim Zam Zoum!  Here is a video taken at the assembly by a parent.   It was very cool!  Also, thank you to all who sent treats for Div. 4  to share  during the movie.  It was a great day and the kids were super excited to go trick or treating after school.


Ms. Gabas

P.S. if we get more photos/videos I will continue to post them. 

Click on the ghost to see pictures of  students on Oct. 31ghost

The Active Pass Program is Awesome!

IMG_0599 IMG_0600 IMG_0601 IMG_0602 IMG_0603 IMG_0604IMG_0604On October 10, Division 4 took a field trip to Edmond’s Community Center where the majority of the class got their pictures taken and registered to receive their Active Passes.  The handful of students who were already pass holders anxiously waited for the rest of the class to get theirs and for the okay to jump into the pool.  Thanks to parent volunteer drivers,  Division 4 had a fun time bonding with each other and getting some good exercise.  Grade 5s are very fortunate to be able to do so many fun activities for free at participating community centers, so hope you continue to take advantage of it this year!  Here are some photos.


How to Make Your Writing More Fabulous

writingDear Students,

You have been working on a planning page for a mystery story you will begin writing.  We talked about the elements of a story (protagonist, antagonist, setting, plot, character traits, problem and solution etc.) and several literary devices that will certainly add more pizzazz to your stories, poems and descriptive paragraphs.  Boys and girls please tell me am example of each device you have learned to share with everyone. 

Fall Nights Artwork

IMG_0570I just wanted to let you know that Division 4’s Fall Nights paintings are up and can be viewed on the Art Gallery Page.  They worked hard getting it done and gained more experience using different sized brushes and strokes to complete their paintings.  The dark blue sky was created with swirly strokes to suggest movement.  Hope you like them!



Welcome Back To School!

IMG_0535 IMG_0536 IMG_0537IMG_0534 IMG_0533

Click on images to enlarge!


Div. 4 has had a fantastic start to the new school year.  The children seem really excited to learn new things and are already showing me that they are remembering our classroom routines.  We have been spending time talking about what it looks like and sounds like to “Be  a Star”.

S=Stay Safe

T=Take Responsibility

A=Act Respectfully

R=Remember to be Inclusive

Also, we had a great discussion on setting (SMART) goals and then they each came up with an academic, personal, and community goal and wrote them on their rockets they designed.  Check out our cool bulletin board,  “We are shooting to be stars”.

Boys and Girls can you tell me what you are excited to learn about this year?  Also, tell me what you do to be a star.
