Dancing With the Stars!

Star-picsDear Boys & Girls,

You truly are stars!  It was fabulous to watch your final performances that you worked very hard on in P.E.  Working in a group and collaborating isn’t always easy, but each time you do you gain more experience and knowledge about what works and what doesn’t.  I am so proud of your efforts and perseverance!  Here are your dances….some videos are just a little shorter than what was video taped…there must be a time limit for the length of videos I can upload.  Division 4 Rocks!

Ms. GabasDancing-With-The-Stars




Vases and Blossoms

imageYour beautiful vases and blossoms are ready to be added to your portfolios.  It was wonderful having them adorning the wall outside our classroom this term.  The cherry blossoms have long since fallen from the trees outside  and summer is just around the corner.  Click on each photo and the individual photos will enlarge, so you can see them better.


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Painted Bottles

Dear Class,

Your creativity really showed in your painted wine bottles.  They are simply beautiful.  I am sure your moms loved receiving them.  I like how unique all the bottles look and how colorful they are.  Here are the photos of you at work and your lovely end products!  What did your moms say?

Ms. G


Moving Poetry


Hi Class,

I had a request from Brian to create a blog, so that you could share your moving poems!  I thought it was a great idea, Brian.  I uploaded them to a folder in my Dropbox (a place where I can upload/share files) and am able to share this link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jsqwyiku97z5vtx/hGcnLYjD0O

Now you can view each of the PowerPoint slideshows! Just select any file you wish to view and press download….just select “open” and do not save it.   All of you did such a tremendous job and worked very hard on this project.  They are all amazing!  Please post “stars” for  your fellow classmates!

Ms. G




Working With Our Buddies!

IMG_1292 IMG_1294 IMG_1296 IMG_1297 IMG_1298

Hi Boys & Girls,

It’s been a while since I have posted on our blog.  I’ve been having technical difficulties and wasn’t able to upload some new photos from our class.  Looks like it is working again.  Here are some photos of you working with your buddies on an Easter activity.  I know your little buddies really enjoy spending time with you!

Student Led Conferences


Dear  Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed conferencing with your child.  I know they had so much to show you and tell you.  It was very unfortunate that I could not be there to welcome you to our class and to watch the children share their work. (I am at home with bronchitis, an awful cough and chest infection.)  Hopefully, you learned a lot from them and can see how hard they are working.  Thank you so much for attending and being part of your child’s learning.  Please feel free to post a comment about your meeting with your child.

Thank You,

Ms. Gabas


Gung Hay Fat Choy!

new yearsHappy Chinese New Year!  The boys and girls had fun creating beautiful scrolls and fun, positive fortunes to put in their hanging fortune cookies.  May the year of the Horse be a wonderful one for all!  Here are some photos of their artwork.  Also some cute pictures of them on our last day of school before our winter break.

Click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/90261662@N02/sets/72157640907292453/





Human Body Systems

bonesDivision 4 this term has been learning about human body systems and how they function and interact with each other.  The students were very curious and enjoyed doing a couple of interesting labs that enabled them to investigate how lungs work and what happens to bones when it loses calcium.  Also, they learned how to write up lab reports, so that others can replicate them.  Here are some pictures of these fun and “stinky” times. Thanks you parents for sending your children to school with some of the materials we needed like 2 litre pop bottles, glass jars, and of course the CHICKEN BONES!

http://www.flickr.com/photos/90261662@N02/12490769684/: Click on the link.