Another New School Year and Another New Class!

iStock_000017007129SmallWelcome back everyone!  Welcome to Division 5!  I’m extremely excited about working with all of you this year and getting to know you.  I believe we will have a fabulous year together.  You have already had a busy couple of weeks getting to know each other and getting used to the routines of our classroom.  We are off to a great start!  Thanks parents for coming and helping me know more about your children!  I really value this information and your time.

During the first week of school Clinton students learned about the 7 Sacred Teachings from the Aboriginal culture.  Can any of you tell me something you learned?  Here is Division 5 as super heroes reminding students to use their super powers!  Just click to enlarge and rt. click to save on your own computer!

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Fort Langley Fun!

What a great field trip we had!  The warm sunny day made it a great day to be outside to do our Aboriginals at Fort Langley Challenge.  It was really great seeing the students working as a team to accomplish tasks and learning in such a fun way.  What were some challenges you had to do?  What were some interesting things you learned?  Photos

Ms. G   IMG_5485

May Happenings!

IMG_3340Hi All,

We’ve had a pretty busy month so far.  Everyone is continuing to work so hard and accomplishing such great things, for examples, your beautiful paintings in the style of Van Gogh, your pretty cards you made for your moms (Hope they liked your present!) and the enchanting butterflies for the Volunteer Tea.  Here are some photos! : )

Where did February and March Go?

Hi Everyone,

2nd term flew by! Right?  We were so busy with finishing up our second term that it made time go by so quickly.  Here are some nice memories of those last 2 months!  Div. 5 got to learn about the game of golf and got to practice their swing and putting.  They did a fun buddy activity with their youngest buddies in kindergarten on the ipads.  Here is the video!  I think their trees made of Valentine hearts are just gorgeous in the hallway.  Also, the  did a fantastic job doing a group Science project on severe weather.  They were extremely creative in writing a skit to teach about their chosen weather/storm.  Having 2 weeks off was awesome for spring break and it was nice to hear about what everybody did when we got back to school.


Student Leds!

studentledDear Parents and Children,

I’m so glad you were able to come today to participate in our Student Led conferences.  The students have been working hard all year and now they have the chance to show you what they have learned and what they are doing these days.  Please make a comment about your experience today.  Hope you enjoyed your visit to our classroom!

Ms. Gabas

Some Fun Things To Share!

Hi Everyone,

We’ve had a busy January and already we are heading to our first long weekend since the winter break. Hope you all have a lovely time on Family Day!  What did you do over the long weekend?  Please do tell!

Here are some photos of you in January and February so far.  These are of your cute Buddy Venn Diagrams done with our Grade 3 buddies and then in this album you will find pictures of your lovely dream catchers, you doing a Science Lab, pattern block designs in math, sniffing mystery scents in canisters for a MIND UP lesson, and your Valentine pictures you made with your kindergarten buddies.  Can’t wait for the guide book to come out! Please comment on any of these activities I’ve just mentioned.  What did you learn in Science and Mind Up lately?

Ms. G