September and October Snapshots

Hello Everyone,

Wow!  It’s incredible how time flies! We are in November already and Division 6 has been very busy indeed. Typically, by now I would have already had several posts up and students commenting on blog posts.  Unfortunately, we are still waiting for the students’ passwords and usernames from the technology department in order to start.  Normally, we would have them by now, so hopefully we will receive them soon. 

I want to share with you some great snapshots of happenings of our first two months together.  Enjoy!








It’s Astonishing! It’s April Already!

Hello Everybody,

March seemed like a blip in the school year, having had two weeks off for spring break.  The boys and girls are continuing on in 3rd term, knowing the routines so well by now.  I will include some photos taken before the holidays.

Track season has started and I am thrilled that the majority of my class were interested in joining.  They have been training well and have learned to pass a baton and sprint and run longer distances.  Thanks to parent volunteers all students were able to attend our first after school track meet.  What a fun time it was!images




Division 5 was introduced to, “The Greatest Love of All” by Whitney Houston, the song they will be performing in May.  It has such an important and beautiful message.  Boys and Girls, please practice!  Don’t forget to think about what you will be wearing! ; )


Click on the song title above!


December Fun!

December_calender_1920x1080Can you believe that we are already nearing our winter break?  I honestly feel like it was just  last week you were doing the “Thriller” dance!  It must mean we have been very busy.  W just had Scientist Sima from High Touch High Tech come in to help us conclude our “Light” exploration.  You were all such great scientists.  Tell me about an experiment or something you observed that day!

Also, it was fantastic to finally see your PowerPoint presentations you have been working hard on and to hear you present.  I hope you learned a lot from each other.  It was wonderful learning more about you and your families!  Here are some photos of you so far in December working on your Ted Harrison landscapes, playing math games, doing presentations, and being scientists!  Click on the Snowman!

Visiting the Aquarium

What a day we had last Friday exploring the Vancouver Aquarium.  It was awesome to get up close to all the interesting creatures in the exhibits.  Hope you all learned some new and interesting facts when visiting each exhibit.  We will be learning about the Inuit and the Arctic and in Science we learned about bioluminescence.  Did you see any creatures who had that adaptation?  The 4D show was fabulous…even if we got squirted in our faces!  LOL!  Tell me something you liked or learned about at the Aquarium!  What was your favourite thing?  I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED gazing at the jellyfish!IMG_4614

Here are some photos I took (click on the photo).  If you have any you want to share with the class please put them on a usb and I will add them!

Ms. G

Exploring Light

Boys & Girls,

We have been spending some time learning about “Light” in Science class.  Please let me know something you learned this term about the topic.  Remember to use the scientific terminology learned to explain things.  You all did a great job writing up your first 2 Science labs and conducting the experiments.  Here are some pictures of you working together!  Click on the photo!


Where did February and March Go?

Hi Everyone,

2nd term flew by! Right?  We were so busy with finishing up our second term that it made time go by so quickly.  Here are some nice memories of those last 2 months!  Div. 5 got to learn about the game of golf and got to practice their swing and putting.  They did a fun buddy activity with their youngest buddies in kindergarten on the ipads.  Here is the video!  I think their trees made of Valentine hearts are just gorgeous in the hallway.  Also, the  did a fantastic job doing a group Science project on severe weather.  They were extremely creative in writing a skit to teach about their chosen weather/storm.  Having 2 weeks off was awesome for spring break and it was nice to hear about what everybody did when we got back to school.


The Mind Up Program

brainBoys and Girls,

We just started our first lesson of the Mind Up Program.  We had a really great discussion about the importance of exercising our brains and how the structures involved in our Limbic System works.  What are these structures and what did you learn about them? Also, what else did we talk about?

Human Body Systems

bonesDivision 4 this term has been learning about human body systems and how they function and interact with each other.  The students were very curious and enjoyed doing a couple of interesting labs that enabled them to investigate how lungs work and what happens to bones when it loses calcium.  Also, they learned how to write up lab reports, so that others can replicate them.  Here are some pictures of these fun and “stinky” times. Thanks you parents for sending your children to school with some of the materials we needed like 2 litre pop bottles, glass jars, and of course the CHICKEN BONES! Click on the link.