
Hi There Geetika,

It was so great to hear from you!  We hope that you are having a wonderful time in India with your family.  What have you been doing these days?  I am going to ask the kids to send you a note and you can respond to them! 

Take Care,

Ms. Gabas

33 thoughts on “Hello!

  1. Ive been aoo busy. Ive been trying to catch up on home work. Weve bwen planing to get a dog once we are back in canada too. Ive done a whole lot of traveling making my stomach feel upset. I hope you guys are having fun! Xoxo -geetika

  2. Hi Geetika!!!!!!!!!
    I missed you so much, I can’t wait until you come back! We’re going to have a bake sale and a magazine fundraiser!!!!!!!!! Talk to you later!!!!!!!! Miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Dear Geetika,
        You’re so lucky to get a dog when you come back from India! I’ve always wanted a dog!!!!!!See you later!!!!!!!!

  3. Hi Geetika!
    I’m Minjin. I have 3 questions about India, because I want to visit India if I can.
    Which city did you visit in India?
    Is it colder than Canada of hotter than Canada?
    Do you like India better of Canada better?

    Please answer my questions…

    1. Hi minjin how are you? I visited many cities actually. Amritsar, New Delhi, and Patna. Actually Its SOOO hot and my dad told me it was gonna be super cold, LIES! I like Canada because theres no dust there, lol. BYE!

  4. Dear Geetika,
    We miss you so much!!
    How is India? Is it hot or cold there? We are having a magazine fund raiser and a bake sale!! When are you coming back? I can’t wait till you come back!!
    -Mika L.

    1. Hi mika hwo are you? I cant wait for teh bake sale and magazine fundraiser hopefully ill be there for it. I wanna say sorry for earlier i was really stressed out and out it on you. Im super sorry and im the one to blame for and not floriane. anyways its hot here and its dusty. Plus im coming back on the twenty first, our flight was moved.

      1. Dear Geetika,
        I’m great!! We are having the magazine fundraiser right now. So you’ll be here for it for 6 days..I think.. It’s ok, I was being a bit harsh too so..I thought it would be cols there but any ways. I can’t wait till you come back! I wish your flight wasn’t moved though.
        -Mika L.

  5. hey there how are you doing. because I am feeling pretty good by the way
    which city do you live in? which do you prefer Canada or India?Also when you come back we will be having a magazine fund raiser and after that we will be having a bake sale. We will all be waiting until you come back.


    1. HI dylan. Im good thanks for asking. I live in Amritsar Shivala. I like canada better because im alergic to dust and there SOOO MUCH HERE!! Hehe. I cant wait for the sale and fundraiser, in my opinion im a pretty good cook 😀 I feel like im the party person of the class now becuase ms gabas made the post and everyone ias like we’re waitinf for you, Lol, see you later.

  6. Hi Geetika,
    Are you having fun in India? I hope you are because I have some questions for you. Which cities or places have you been in India? Is it cold or hot in India? Where are you staying in India? How much longer are you going to stay in India? Please answer my questions. Thank you.


  7. Hi Geetika,
    we have been busy here to, we are fundraising magazines for our field trip to cultus lake. What is india like?Are you having a good time in india?
    see you soon

    1. Yea i am having a good time shenae, thanks for asking. Wait did yuo say cultus lake? Oh my gosh, i love tha place 😀 its 60 miles away though, Lol. its gonna take like 1 hour to get there. so what are we gonna do there, do yuo have a clue? india is like very dusty and very dirty and very hotty 🙂

  8. Hi Geetika,

    How are you? I heard that you might get a dog once you get back to Canada!! Anyway, I have a few questions that I hope can answer to me. When are you coming back to school? Is there any exciting news about India? Cause if you do, I really would enjoy what they might be doing. I hope that you are having fun at India.


    1. Hey sunny wassup girl? Haha, i am actually getting a dog and i plan on bringing to school at lunch once i get into schedule. around the the 21st of feb, nothing really exciting, i am having fun planning for my dog in india, Lol see ya!

  9. Dear Geetika,
    Hi and how are you? Are you having a fun time in India? We are in Canada we have just started a magazine fundraiser and later on in the year, we will be doing a bake sale. The only reason why we are having a magazine fundraiser and a bake sale is because we need to raise enough money to go on field trips. I have one more question to ask. Have you seen any interesting artifacts in India?
    See you soon!
    Mika M

  10. Hey lil broster! 😀 Hahaha hi jamie. Yes i am having fun!! Ive been to Amritsar, New Delhi, and Patna. HOT AS HECK. Im staying in Amritsar. i have a couple days left like 5 days-ish, oh yea jamie dont tell anyone…. I AM GETTING A DOOGY! (dog) Lol go a head and tell peeps 🙂 Well ill see you laterz PEACE!

  11. Hi Geetika,
    How many places have you been in total in the trip so far? I’m guessing a huge amount because you aren’t the type of person to lie down all day doing nothing productive in your life. How long do you think you’re going to stay in India? When you get back make sure you haven’t slacked on your math. Maybe lit circles too. I’m guessing the temperature in India is about 15 degrees Celsius? Well that’s just an estimate. Hope you will have fun being jet lagged when we come back.

    1. Haha Hi Hugo yuor comments probably the best one ive seen so far, obviously is Hugo everyone give him around of applause! Anyways ive been to new delhi, amristar, jhalander and patna. just like 4 more days and ill be taking acouple days off because of my “jet lag” 🙂 15-20 C see ya later

  12. Hey Geetika! I heard you might be getting a dog after you come back from India. Are you having a good time? We are having a magazine fundraiser and a Bake sale for the field trip at Cultus Lake in the spring!
    P.S. We are having a good time at school.

    1. Hi Alexa!(Excuse not being able to use the letter between letter O and Q becuase its not working anymore) Firstly, i am getting a dog, secondly, i am having fun and thirdly, i love the idea of the fundrasiers! see ya

  13. Hi, Geetika. i am Renee. How are you in India? i wish i could go there.I hope you had a good time in India,i can’t wait to see you!!!

    1. hi renee!(Excuse not being able to use the letter between letter O and Q becuase its not working anymore) i am good thnkas for asking, i miss you too and your lucky youre not here, ITS SOO DUSTY!!!

  14. Hi Geetika, I have a question for you. What is your favorite thing you have seen or done in India? Also have you been reading Sahara Special? And is it good so far? I hope you come back soon!!!

  15. oh hi sonia! (Excuse not being able to use the letter between letter O and Q becuase its not working anymore) I loved to do this one thing in india, my aunts house has a bar (a hanging bar) and i love to hang on it! thts robably the only thing actually. Hahaha its funny how you mentioned sahara secial… I actually read all of it four times, its a great book, im trying to figure out how i can finish all my homework becuase of how much traveling i did i had to leve my books behind at my aunts house and si many,many,many days of studying.

  16. Hi Geetika. Is it nice in India? We’re haveing a magazine fundraiser and we might have a bake sale. What is the your favorite thing you did in India? What is your favorite food you ate in India? We might be going to cultus lake in spring if we raised enough money from both fundraisers. I wonder if you will have jet leg when you get back to class.

  17. Hi Geetika how are you? what pinds have you been to have you visited the golden temple or the Taj Mahal. whould you prefer Canada or India. hope your having a good time. see you soon


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