Magazine Fundraiser!

Dear Parents and Students,

         On February 12, our class along with Miss Sakic’s class will hear a presentation from QSP to start our fundraiser. We will sell magazines through a catalogue in order to raise funds for our end of the year field trip!  Even though it is a far way off, we are looking forward  to a fun day at Cultus Lake Waterslides in June. In order to make this happen, we need your support!  Fundraising packages will be sent home after a presentation next month!  Perhaps  your co-workers, friends, and relatives will want to take advantage of the good prices and  purchase a magazine subscription or two!

12 thoughts on “Magazine Fundraiser!

  1. HI Alexa & Nolan,
    I agree…I think it would be a wonderful trip! Hope we can raise enough money! Keep selling!
    Ms. Gabas

  2. It sounds like so much fun! I hope we raised enough money for Cultus Lake!

    Girl of miss sakic’s class

  3. Hi Everyone,
    I am very excited to report that we were able to earn over $700 because of your efforts selling magazines! Thanks for all your help, parents! Div. 5 and Div. 6 will be going to Cultus Lake in June! Yipeeeee!

  4. The magazine fundraiser was good because when you buy magazines you can get more magazines every week or so. I have alot of magazines and there’s more to come. I hope that we have another magazine fundraiser because I really want to get more magazines to read at home. I enjoy reading magazines because they have alot of interesting things! Magazines are great 😀

  5. I can’t wait for the magazine fundraiser again! I love getting all the magazines! I can’t wait to go again this year!! 🙂

  6. I’m so happy we might go to cultus lake water slides
    But the valley of fear me and my friend went on it it was not as scary as I thought . From 1-10 I would say 5 for me that is how scary I thought it was .

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