New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your families and friends.  I was just wondering if anyone of you have a New Year’s resolution? I think many of us try to make at least one as we start the year, but we are not always good at keeping it.   However, it is always good to try and remind ourselves of the resolution we made at the beginning of the year.  One of my resolutions is to cleanse things from my house that I no longer use and to give it others who will use them.  What’s yours?  Feel free to share!

20 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions

  1. My new years resolution is to get straight A’s, Speak my language at home, become my dreams, meat celebrites, and last but not least be more nice to people and get more friend’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. My new years resulation is to never give up and keep on going. The other thing I was working was to help do chores around the house. my third resulation is to improve on sports

  3. My New Years Resolutions is to study more and get a better score for tests like math,social study or science and I will try to be nicer to get more friends!!!!!

  4. my new year’s resolution is to eat food I don’t like most of them are healthy but not all of them I don’t like super sweet candy

  5. My Resolution is to get out more. Maybe go to my friends house. Play basketball. and not stay home all day. That is it

  6. My new years resolutions are to get out more often and not stay in all day, Try getting into a habit of at least doing 1 chapter a day of my book called the music box, Last but not least is to probably chose a personalty because my personalty i have right now is a pile of randomness and i wanna control and have a proper personality!

  7. Thanks Everyone for sharing your New Year’s resolutions! I hope you all keep trying to work on your goals and any other ones you have made in the past. Never give up! Good luck!
    Ms. Gabas

  8. My new year’s resolution is to study more to get good letter grades and to be better at other sports than I usally do that is skating.

    1. Hey Geetika the class misses you. You Kengjie and Gianne got a big prize from being caught red handed today at school!

    2. Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I missed you so much!!!!!!!!!!!
      at school, we’re going to have a science test and a french test. the social studies test is later on (after you come back)
      I hope your having a fun time at India!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Another new years resolution would be to not eat daycare snack because who knows who made it and did they wash their hands or not. Better safe than sorry!!!

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