November Days!

novemWow! November is flying by.  Division 5 has really gotten into the swing of things.  They are accomplishing a lot and learning new things.  What are some neat things you have learned so far in any subject or activity?  Here are some pictures taken in November!

8 thoughts on “November Days!

  1. We had so much fun at the park . Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emily m. Reanna , Emilyc.

    1. Your welcome! It was such a beautiful afternoon and what a great way to get some good exercise! Congratulations on being the first people to write a comment on our blog! Hope to hear from you more!
      Ms. G

  2. It was really fun to play with Alice, Evelyn, Emily m, Reannna, And Emily c.
    It was a nice day that’s what made it fun!!!!


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