How is your trip?

englandDear Gurbakhsh,

We are all wondering how you are doing in England?  We hope you are having a terrific time.  What have you been doing?  Visiting some interesting places?  Hope you can write us back!

Ms. G

6 thoughts on “How is your trip?

  1. Hey gurbaksh, are you having fun? It’s awkward how I’m the first person to type the messages but whatever… Are you at England? I’m not really sure if you are in England though .. But have fun anyways…

  2. Hi gurbakhsh! How is your trip? I bet England is great and I would love to go there! Have you went to any cool, fun places?School has been very fun. We have started making a dance in little groups and we saw some very cool moving poems! Hopefully you are having a good time! See you when you come back! And enjoy the rest of your trip!

    〜 Sora

  3. Hey Gurbakhah
    How are you? I hope you are having a great time at England so far. Which places did you go? I hope you can bring pictures to show us when you get back!
    Bon Voyage ( Have a good trip ) !!

  4. hi g, how are you so far? what’s it like?
    bet your having a blast.tell us when u
    come back and have a good trip.
    bring me a card 🙂
    -Nathan (nate)

  5. Hi classmates and Ms. Gabas,
    I was wondering if you could do a blog on the moving poems for everyone to see because my mom was very curios to see what everyone’s topics were.
    From Brian

  6. hey Gurbash (AKA: james bond) how is it at england? did you get a british accent? hope you have a good time!

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