Word Collector Mission Possible Monday! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Word Collector Mission Possible Monday!

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You have a Mission!  Today I am sending you off to find some words, my Word Collectors! 

First, you must get your Word Collector Hat!  What?  You don’t have a Word Collector Hat?  Well, please create one!  In order to move forward with your Word Collecting, you must add to a hat you already have or make a fresh new hat for your Word Collecting Mission. Be as unique and as creative as you like with your hat.  You will be encouraged to wear your hat tomorrow for our class meeting.  Your hat should say Word Collector on it! Here is an example of one I just quickly put together.  I won’t be able to wear the Dictionary to our meeting as it is heavy, but you get the idea!

Please choose 3 words that you find interesting, love to say, think are silly or you connect with.  Choose whatever words you would like to collect to share with us.  During our class meeting tomorrow, you will be asked to say 2 of your words, share how many syllables are in your words, use your words in a sentence and share why you chose your words.  For example, your word could be “DINOSAUR!”  You would say: “My first word is dinosaur.  Dinosaur has 3 syllables.  My sentence is ‘The large, plant-eating dinosaur lived millions of years ago on the Badlands of Alberta.’  I chose the word dinosaur because I like to go fossil hunting and want to be a paleontologist one day. My second word is …”

I’m asking you to have 3 words ready inc case someone else has collected the same word as you. You can absolutely have all of your information about your 3 words written down and read from your notebook, word cards, journal, note papers.

Below are a few links to remind you of the wonderful Peter Reynolds and his Word Collector Book.



I so look forward to our 10 a.m. meeting tomorrow.  Please be patient as we wait for everyone to attend the meeting.  You can access the meeting from the calendar and click JOIN!  You can directly get to the calendar by clicking the calendar icon on the general post page that gives information about our meeting.  Keep your audio and video off.  I will know that you are there.  I will begin the meeting and then ask each of you to share your Word Collector Mission Assignment one at a time.  I can’t wait to see all of your hats.

So get to it!  Create your word collector hats and collect some words.  I will see you tomorrow.

Please look to the Shape of the Week for more information about the academic activities for the rest of the week.  There will be a few reading passages from READWORKS, some Story Studio opportunities and some more measurement fun.

Have a Mission Possible Monday!

Mrs. E.


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