What’s Up With Story Writing This Wednesday? – Enchelmaier's Division 10

What’s Up With Story Writing This Wednesday?

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Today, let’s begin with a story.  Yesterday, Selina shared with us that she had read the book Giraffe and Bird.  It is a fiction story about two creatures, living in a habitat, where a challenge arises. The two creatures don’t get along but find a new way to think about the importance of friendship.  The beginning of the story will introduce the characters and you are able to see where and when the story takes place (because of illustrations, the setting is shown). The middle part of the story shares the challenges that these creatures share between each other.  The end of the story has both creatures finding out the true meaning of their relationship and why it is so important for them to value one another.

This story can inspire you with some ideas for your Story Studio build and creative writing.  You are to create a fiction story with a pond habitat theme and 2-3 characters.  The setting (where and when the story takes place) should be shared at the beginning and the characters introduced.  The middle of the story should include the problem that needs solving and the end of the story should solve the problem and lead to a conclusion. Let’s see if that happens in this story.

Here is Giraffe and Bird!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6uwCaAaGV4

This story is just one way to consider creatively writing a fiction story piece for your Story Studio Pond Build.

Later today, I will also be sending out an invite to another live science experiment by Mystery Doug. He is excited to answer kids’ questions with the help of astronaut Jessica Meir, who filmed videos for Mystery Doug while she was in space!

Next Tuesday, May 26, we will be having our Math Super Hero Day class meeting.  Come to the meeting dressed as a math super hero.  Some of our classroom posters that inspired your math super hero drawings are posted here.  In the coming days, I will share your September drawings.  The posters will also refresh your memory of some of the math concepts!     Have a wonderful day.  Email or respond to the blog post with your comments if you have any questions or thoughts about the Shape of the WEEKS or your assignments!

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