Welcome October! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Welcome October!

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The Home Reading Log Booklets went home.  Please read the letter that accompanied the booklets for information about expectations and goals for home reading.  Reading at home is to be pleasurable.  Perhaps, create a comfy cozy corner for reading or encourage your child to read to a sibling, pet or stuffy.  We are soon going to create a reading corner in the classroom so students can take time to enjoy some books of their choice.

The Math Flights have taken flight.  We have bees, birds, butterflies, jets, helicopters and rockets ready for take off.  Please read the letter that went home with the math fact practice sheet.  Students are to practice their math facts but are encouraged to move through the math flights at their own pace.

Division 9 will be presenting at the upcoming Orange Shirt Day assembly on Friday, October 11.  The assembly will be in the morning and you are invited to attend.

We are off to a great start this October with sunny weather and exciting opportunities for learning.

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