Welcome June, Good-bye Ms. Minoza! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Welcome June, Good-bye Ms. Minoza!

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We are nearing the end of our seasonal cycle in Room 15 as we head toward Summer and the end of the 2023/2024 school year.

We would first like to thank our parent community as without parents as partners, our year would have been much different. 







We would also like to acknowledge June being Pride Month and our school raising of the Progressive Pride Flag.  Division 10 wore light blue to represent harmony and serenity as we encourage diversity and inclusion. 







And finally we would like to congratulate Ms. Minoza on completion of her UBC student teacher practicum, here at Clinton, in Room 15.  The students have had wonderful experiences with Ms. Minoza as their teacher.  More importantly, Ms. Minoza has gained so much from them.  It has been a very full third term and she has appreciated her time with Division 10.  We ended her practicum with streamers, party favours and a movie afternoon with popcorn. 







As we move forward with the next few weeks, please keep in mind of the upcoming events.

Tomorrow, Friday, June 7 is a Pro-D Day.  

Monday – Red Day  Tuesday Blue Day  Wednesday Yellow Day  Thursday Green Day

Friday, June 14 is Sport’s Day – students will be dismissed at 1 p.m.

Our Queen’s Park field trip will be Thursday, June 2o, our grade 2/3 summer solstice get together will be Friday, June 21 and Division 10 will be having a picnic at Ron McLean park on Tuesday, June 25, weather permitting.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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