Week 4 of Virtual Teaching and Learning! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Week 4 of Virtual Teaching and Learning!

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Good Morning!  Happy Meaningful Monday!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  We had super weather on Saturday.  Did you get out for a bike ride, walk, backyard picnic or garden time?  I did some more gardening and played with Winnie.  She is getting stronger and bigger each day.  She is still very tiny and will be visiting the vet today to have a check up and her 12 week booster shots.   Can you find her in the photo.  When she is on something dark, she is so very hard to see.


We are starting week 4 of teaching and learning away from one another. Our daily experiences are not what we are used to and we may hit some roadblocks this week trying to maintain a routine and getting to our assignments. I have tried to create a similar week of expectations as last week you have some consistency and you can work from what you have already experienced.

A huge thank you to parents, grand-parents and older siblings who are supporting you at this time. We couldn’t do it without you and it is greatly appreciated.

I have created a new page on the menu header of the blog related to your Spring Cinquains.  You can see what other spring and nature thoughts your classmates have been thinking about.

Earth Day is on Wednesday and right now our planet Earth is doing some healing.  Yet, nature continues to show us how it keeps going and growing which is what I know you all can do too.                                                                              So Keep Going and Keep Growing!

Miss you,                                                                                                                                                                                            Mrs. E.



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