Thoughtful Thinking Thursday! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Thoughtful Thinking Thursday!

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It is Thoughtful Thinking Thursday.  Gokul and Cara were thinking yesterday when they went to work on some WOW blog post activities.  They commented on the blog post and Cara and Gokul shared their WOW words and Gokul shared his idea about how to use the number 8 to reach 1000.

The riddle was looking for you to use the number 8 with all numerals used in your number sentence.  So the riddle answer was 888+88+8+8+8=1000!    Yes, Gokul, 1000 / 8 = 125 which means you can get to 1000 with 125 number 8’s! The riddle math hero was looking for something a little bit different though.

On this Thoughtful Thursday, I wanted to share with you a story called I Am Yoga.  It is illustrated by one of my favourite story tellers, Peter H. Reynolds.  You all know him.  Can you think of some of the books he has written? You can comment on the blog post if you have some ideas on this Thinking Thursday. Last week, at our class meeting, many of you shared how you were able to relax and become mindful, peaceful, patient and calm when you are learning from home.  Gokul decided he would like to share one his talents with us, which is completing 12 poses of yoga positions that help him stretch, move fluently and bring calm to his body and mind. So check out his link below and the link for my audio read of I Am Yoga!  We may do some thinking with Yoga by the Sea next week as shared in the audio read.

First, is I Am Yoga:

Next is Gokul and his Talent of Suryanamaskar Postures.  It is connected to math as well with 12 movements.

I hope you enjoyed Heart Strings yesterday.  Tomorrow, I will be asking you to send me something for Monday that relates to your invisible heart string.  So if you haven’t had a chance to listen to the read aloud, please go to yesterdays blog post and click on the link.

I also sent out that quick email link to a Space Journey that was going to happen live with NASA and SPACEX yesterday but the mission was aborted due to weather.  They will try again on Saturday, so check in with the astronauts on that day.

Thank you for sending in your Story Studio Creative Writing pieces with a pond theme and your Math Array City projects.  You were given 2 weeks for these assignments so I am hoping that you will hand them in by tomorrow.  That is the due date for SHAPE OF THE WEEKS assignments that were assigned Monday, May 18.  Our Super Hero Multiplication Malaya sent in her Math Array City.

I have had many different city-scapes handed in and I appreciate each and every unique design and architectural display of math concepts. I have also had wonderful fiction stories about pond characters handed in and I am very proud of our Division 9 authors.  So keep those assignments coming in over the next few days as June is the beginning of the “new, new normal.”

Have a Thoughtful, Thinking Thursday!  Mrs. E.

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