Think About It Thursday! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Think About It Thursday!

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Hello to a Thinking Thursday.   And I would first like to start off by thanking you for thinking about why Life In The Ocean does not have any questions attached.  In class, we do not have the digital capacity that all of you at home do.  We do not have the tech tools to use so we must do some hands-on assignments.  The reading passage Life In The Ocean is going to be used next week as a support for a hands-on assignment.  The reading passages were assigned over a 2 week period but some of you are working through them all in one week.  Good for you.  You will see next week why I assigned a reading passage without questions.  Until then, be patient.  A word that you are going to hear time and time again.

Today, for our Thinking Thursday, I would like you to think about a few things.  Of course, I know you are thinking about your core competency self-assessment reflections and working toward returning one to me.  

I would also like you to think about the spiderlings that Charlotte had hatch from her egg sac.  There were 514 baby spiders.  Instead of creating number sentences to the date today, I am going to ask you to consider making number sentences for 514!  That’s right. You could be making number sentences for hours with this number.  So get to it!

I also hope you are experimenting with some of the financial fluency activities and videos I have provided in the Shape Of The Week.  Money, money, money!!!!

I would also like you to think about your Magnum Opus.  Your great work!  On Tuesday, June 9, we will meet again at 10 a.m. for our in-class/on-line class meeting.  Not only will you share one of the Charlotte’s Web Word Collector Words and the sentence you created but you will share what you believe to be your Magnum Opus.  For Charlotte, it was her egg sac.  The creation of her peach-coloured, waterproof, tough material egg sac that held her 514 babies was her masterpiece, her great work, the finest thing she had ever made.  What is that for you? What do you think is the finest thing you have ever made, created or done.  You could even consider your Hour of Triumph.  For Charlotte, having Wilbur recognized at the County Fair and being honoured with a medal was her hour of triumph. She knew that by helping Wilbur, she was also lifting up her life.  When she filled his bucket, her bucket was filled.  So perhaps, you would rather share a moment that you felt proud about.

So think about it and arrive with microphones and cameras off next Tuesday, ready to share your Word Collector Words and your Magnum Opus or Hour of Triumph Moment.

Tomorrow is a Pro-D Day so I will not be posting.  I will leave you today with the answers to our Yoga By The Sea Clues and I will give you 3 more.  Please continue with your READWORKS passages, listen to the final chapters of Charlotte’s Web, play with money, prepare for our class meeting and return your self-assessment reflection piece.

Answers to Wednesday Clues:  1. I Am A RAINBOW (Can you think of a pose?) 2. I Am The MOON (Can you think of a pose?) 3. I Am An EAGLE (Can you think of a pose?)

More Clues for Yoga By The Sea (answers will arrive on Monday):

1.People row or paddle me.  I can sail across the sea, with a captain and a crew, to navigate the endless blue. What am I?

2. To get across from A to B, you might go up and over me, or sail under in a boat or sneak across a castle’s moat.  What am I?

3.Would you like to live with me…swimming in the deep blue sea?  Glistening fins and shiny scales, hanging out with clams and whales?  What am I?

So much to think about on this THINKING THURSDAY Mrs. E.

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