Think About It Thursday! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Think About It Thursday!

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Hello Green Team!

Our morning messages this month would have encouraged our Clinton School Community to be Earth Friendly.  Division 9 would have turned into the Green Team and we would have presented an environmental message at the April month end assembly.

We may have focused on keeping our water ways clean and free of pollution.  One of the ocean’s environmental enemies is plastic, especially plastic bottles.  Unfortunately, with the recent pandemic, there is a new environmental challenge; plastic gloves.   It is so important for many workers, care givers and those doing tasks out and about in our communities to wear protective gloves.  These gloves, though, do no belong in nature.  So on this Think About It Thursday, take some time time to think about what the Division 9 Green Team message would be if we noticed plastic gloves tossed everywhere in our neighbourhoods.  (There was supposed to be a photo here that I took of some plastic gloves thrown into the bushes and trees but I’m having some tech challenges today. So please use your imagination 🙂   You do not have to share your thoughts with me.  Just simply think about your role as a responsible, respectful Clinton Star Environmental Hero!

I do appreciate the poetry and math museum assignments that have been handed in.  Your creativity, effort and on-line home learning shows me you are continuing to GO and GROW, just like nature!

Have a Thoughtful Thursday,                                                                                                                                                                  Mrs. E



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