Talk Time Tuesday – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Talk Time Tuesday

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Today We Are Going To Talk About It!

Join us for our class meeting at 10 a.m.  Go to the TEAMS site, click calendar, click JOIN MEETING!

Please arrive with microphones and cameras off.  Our class meeting will require your patience as I make sure that those of us in class are able to join in and participate.

We will take turns and share a Charlotte’s Web Word Collector Word that you have included in a well-dressed sentence that helps us understand the meaning of the word.  You will then share your Magnum Opus, your Hour of Triumph moment.  Many of your classmates did not get a chance to be the STAR OF THE WEEK.  They missed out on sharing what they are proud of.  This will be their opportunity to share their masterpiece, their great work, their proud moment.

I will share the final answers to Yoga By The Sea and say a few words about Mystery Doug and the Shape of the Week expectations.

You have a few Ocean projects to send in this week.  I am attaching a few links that we have watched in class.  These links will help you understand a little bit more about the layers of the ocean and what animals you may find there.  One of the videos will take you deep, deep to the depths of the ocean.

While you are drawing and colouring, you can put some calming ocean waves or coastal beach music on.  We did that in class yesterday!

Tomorrow is the deadline for returning your Self-Assessment Core Competency Reflection work.  There are 3 options for you to choose and only 1 of them has to be completed and returned.  These pieces will be attached to your report cards so they need to be returned to me by tomorrow.  Thank you!

Please continue to access the Shape Of The Week activities and I look forward to seeing your ocean art!

Have a Terrific, Talk About It Tuesday.  Mrs. E.

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