Summer Is Here! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Summer Is Here!

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We ended our Spring Fling with Sport’s Day.  It was a good day for a Fire Fighter Splash Down at the end of all of the events.

































Summer came early this year, on Thursday, June 20 and we enjoyed our time at Queen’s Park.  The Sportsplex provided us with some flying, jumping moments. Click on the link below:

After the ribbon cutting opening ceremony of the Clinton Little Library on Friday, hosted by our buddy class, we moved to the front of the school with all of the grade 2/3 classes to celebrate the Summer Solstice.  We also acknowledged National Indigenous Day, the first full day of summer, the full moon and the seasonal cycle.

Mrs. Enchelmaier did an interactive story read.  Students created all of the summer sound effects for the story.  It was followed by all students gathering round a circular parachute to connect us to the seasonal cycle.  The rainbow colours reminded us of diversity and inclusion.  We all worked together to get the summer beach balls off of the parachute.  It was a great way to end the Grade 2/3 seasonal gatherings.















Tuesday, we will head to Ron McLean for our final park picnic.  Some of the other grade 2/3 classes will join us.

It has been a wonderful seasonal cycle of learning, adventures and joy.  We have come to our final blog post for the year.

Please look back on our full year and enjoy all of the moments from the Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox to our now Summer Solstice.

Please also take a moment to check out the garden display box as Divison 10 not only cleaned out the garden but they added some sketches for the summer season of the garden.

Happy Summer!

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