Springing Ahead! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Springing Ahead!

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We have made it to Spring Break and we are springing ahead 1 hour this evening.  Division 10 continued to work hard and share love and light in the first few weeks of March.

Best Duo work from February led to comparing and contrasting through Venn Diagrams.  Students compared and contrasted characters from stories which led to comparing and contrasting one another as a buddy activity. This same/different approach will continue into third term.

Unrest in Ukraine and the need for sharing positive energy came shining through with the Room 15 bulletin board of blue and yellow and the sunflower power window.  The individual and creative flower designs, with intentions of sharing a message of peace, has lit up our classroom window.  The message has also been shared on the Clinton Website.  Check it out!

Spring Poems have also been added to the window display in anticipation of the spring equinox, March 21.  Students are looking forward to equal hours of day light and night darkness, moving toward longer days and the summer solstice (longest day of daylight).

International Women’s Day also reminded students to reflect on the amazing women in their lives as well as those that have paved the way for Women’s Rights.  “Girl Power” was stamped into our doorway sign we created.  It was great to see the strength and passion released as the girls pressed their energy and bright colour onto the paper. The trestle tree left the building but Division 10 persevered and created their own physical challenges and experiences.  The students were able to responsibly and independently set up and take down their own apparatus circuit quickly and efficiently.  Taking ownership of their learning gave them more interest in reaching their fullest potential.  The gym space was full of joy and accomplishments.

Thanks to the PAC for ending the term off with a Spirit Day and Pancake Breakfast.  Mmm Mmm Good was the feeling that morning!

Joy also was shared with the daily riddles/jokes.  It became such a popular experience that students began to bring in jokes to share.  That led to a week of Open Mic in Room 15.  Students came up to the front of the room and shared their jokes using a classroom microphone system.

I will leave you now with a joke that speaks to me. Thanks for this one, Hope!

Why did the teacher wear sunglasses over Spring Break?”…

“None of her bright students were around!”

So true!!!!

Have a bright and rejuvenating Spring Break!


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