November Has Been Busy! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

November Has Been Busy!

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It is so nice to see the progress the students have been making over the past few months.  They are putting forth a positive work ethic and enjoying the many activities they have been part of. Learning about the temperate and tropical rain forests was highlighted by the ScienceMadeFun Synergy Shannon scientist.  She brought the canopy, understory and forest floor to the classroom. Taking part in the Legacy Walk, wearing purple and proudly displaying the Orange Shirt Day signs made a very powerful statement in the community.  We are so very excited to have our indigenous artist support our reconciliation path to reconciliaction by engaging the students in the planning of a mural that he will create for our school.  The mural launch assembly will take place at the end of the month.  Having opportunities to work with a variety of classes has been rewarding for Division 9.  They work with the Division 5 buddy class regularly, participate in P.E. class with Division 11 once a week and have enjoyed time spent with Division 8 and our camouflage hunts.  Working with the entire school on Rangoli drawings to create awareness and understanding about Diwali made for a memorable afternoon.  And what a crazy day we had on crazy hair and hat day.  The teachers really enjoyed participating as well.  As we look toward December, the class is getting excited about welcoming the staff into our classroom for hot chocolate/tea and a sweet treat.  They have already created the invites.  Appreciating and giving back to the community will hopefully open up their hearts as well.

December will be full of experiences too. We look forward to soccer lessons, an Urban Safari visit, Peter Pan, gingerbread cookie decorating, pajama day, pancake breakfast and the sing-along.

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