Middle Of The Month Highlights – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Middle Of The Month Highlights

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Where has the time gone?  We did continue with our measurement of time but we did not expect it to already be mid-February!  Happy Valentines Day!  We are currently enjoying our Monday Friendship Funday.  So much appreciation and gratitude has been shared today.

Looking back a week, we can see that we have been immersed in non-fiction reading with recipe and cookbook searches on our to-do list.  We hope to create a classroom cookbook of our favourites.

We began February with an outdoor experiment that did not lead us to our hypothesis.  We predicted that the water in our red water containers would freeze with below zero temperatures.  Unfortunately, the temperature did not drop enough for our liquid to change to a solid.  So… we changed things up and brought the water inside.  This time we were considering how a liquid would change to a gas.  It took only a few days for the minimal amount of water to evaporate.  It took a week for 5/6 containers of water to be empty.  Even though we couldn’t see the transformation happening, our evidence tells us that evaporation has taken place.

We have also been experimenting with the creative process.  As we move through our art experiences, we consider all the pieces of our creative opportunities.  The Valentine and Powerful Pink decor on our door not only had us reuse paper we might normally recycle but it helped us think about a “beautiful oops” or a “happy accident!”

Our next blog post will share some Trestle Tree moments.  Currently, Yinan and Athena, with great cheering from their peers, have challenged themselves and climbed all the way to the top of the climbing rope that goes to the top of the gym ceiling. Wow!

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