It’s Still Winter!!! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

It’s Still Winter!!!

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The snow has come again and the below zero temperatures are leading us to the end of February!  The Spring season does not begin until March 21 so we are continuing to take advantage of the stories the Winter season brings!

We connected to the Family Day weekend with our Snow Family art pieces.  Students had criteria to follow and shared their personal creativity through each detail they added to their snow family.









Powerful messages were also shared this February as demonstrated in the Pink Shirt Parade that took place around the Clinton School Community.  We proudly displayed the signs that were carried during the parade on our hallway bulletin board.







We ended our basketball sessions with playing half-court games and the energy and enthusiasm was evident.  The competition and co-operation was amazing. Way to go Teams!



















We look forward to March coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb as we move toward Spring! (At home, continue to share thoughts related to our Classroom Inquiry: What Stories Do The Seasons Share With Us?)

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