It’s Fantastic Friday! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

It’s Fantastic Friday!

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We’ve made it to the end of another week.  On this Figure It Out Friday, thank you for figuring out how to balance your lives in order to get some key learning activities and assignments completed.  The ReadWorks Program seems to be working as almost all stories have been read and questions answered already, on a 4 day week.  How amazing you all are.  I am hoping that you are also figuring out that your reading assignments have a Science component woven through them.  Next week, the passages will have a similar science theme but move from plants to insects and spring creatures.

Thank you so much to those of you that have sent me either a Spring cinquain or a photo of the Mrs. E Doll you created.  It has been a joy to see your effort and creativity.  It is an expectation that you do send me one assignment each week so try and send me either your cinquain or Mrs. E. drawing, or both if you haven’t already.

Our highlight of today is that Mrs. Jefferson has shared some more music links to keep you movin’ and groovin’.  I added her suggestions to the Music Page on the menu at the top of our classroom blog.  Scroll down her music page to see the new additions.

Movin’ and Groovin’ reminds me of the Talent Show that was going to be coming up.  I believe all of you have unique talents that could be shared.  So…I am going to give you the opportunity to share with me a short video clip or photo, if you like, of your talents.  Some of you have already been showing me some of the new talents you have been exploring thanks to the inspiration of the O.K. Book.

For example, Zahra has been learning how to chop up vegetables and take on the evening dinner chef duties.

Image preview  Image previewThanks Zahra for being proud of your new talent!

Some of you play an instrument, sing, dance, work with puppets.  Some of you are artists or good at telling jokes. A few of you enjoy juggling, skipping, gymnastics or creating science experiments.  There is absolutely no pressure to participate or an expectation for you to show and share but I know many of you have been experiencing new opportunities or have been taking the time to improve on the talents you already have.  So let’s have some talent sharing of our own.  Again, it is completely optional, requires parent permission before shared and is just a little added bonus opportunity for you to consider over the next month. Let’s say May 20th (if we are still virtual learning) would be the last date to share a photo or very, very, short video clip. (Again, it does not have to be a video.  If you like playing the guitar, you can show a photo of you playing it)  Just like our daily sharing in the classroom with our mascot, Eyela.  Just have fun with it.

Have a wonderful day and weekend and I will reconnect with you on Monday!    Mrs. E.




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