Happy Halloween! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Happy Halloween!

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Bones, Spiders and Pumpkins by the light of the Halloween Moon!

Here are some of the spooky and spectacular experiences of our end of October time together.

From time to time we watch Go Noodle BONES and get our bodies moving to the beat.  So we decided to think about all of our bones! Many of our 206 bones are in our hands and feet.  Thanks Mystery Doug for helping us with our X-ray art.








We read By The Light Of The Halloween Moon which connected our bone study to toes and feet.  This led to some amazing pumpkin visual art pieces using chalk pastels.


















Our class inquiry challenged us to consider spiders in the trees.  An amazing story by the Fan Brothers called, It Fell From The Sky, got us thinking about the webs of a spider.  We watched a garden spider create an orb web and then began to design our own spider web creations.
































We used our laptop time to look up Spider Facts and went onto the Library site to find Tumble Books so we could listen to Diary Of A Spider.

We had a day of Howling Adventure on Friday! Check out our costumed class!

Have a safe and happy Halloween weekend!                                            (Mrs. E’s dog, Leo!  Not thrilled with his costume:)

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