Think About It Thursday! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Think About It Thursday!

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Today, for Think About It Thursday, I would like you to think about one experience you have appreciated while being at home with your family during this time of online teaching and learning.

When we have our meetings today and tomorrow, I will be asking you to pop in and say hello, share how you are feeling and what has been an interesting highlight of your being at home for a few months.

Please remember to join the meeting with your microphone and video off.  I will then ask you to share your thoughts just as I would if we were in the classroom at the carpet, having a community circle meeting. (Just as we are considerate in our classroom meetings, please be mindful to limit your sharing to no more than a minute). Before I ask any of you to join in our conversation, I will do some sharing, like Mr. Bortolussi does when I am in a virtual staff meeting, and then I will give you an opportunity to share.  I am looking forward to meeting with you today and tomorrow.

Now to continue with our Shape Of The Week learning: 

It has been brought to my attention that some of the photos I have shared have not appeared on the blog site.  They do appear for me on my Clinton working laptop when I access the blog from the Clinton Website.  If I use my home computer though, I am unable to see some of the images.  I am going to re-post the photos from yesterday of the Story Studio from Ashlyn and the dance photos from Anna. 













I see them.  I hope you do too!

Now for Measurement!

How has that been going?  Have you been having fun with non-standard units of measurement?  I am so glad that we have standard ways of measuring as I have found it very challenging to measure this week with toothpicks, bamboo skewers and wooden chopsticks.  I tried to measure my front house steps and found it quite frustrating using non-standard units of measurement.  The wind kept blowing my toothpicks away, the bamboo skewers gave me a sliver and the chopsticks were rolling here and there.  I did manage to find out that the length of my stairs was almost 26 toothpicks long, 11 bamboo skewers long and almost 8 chopsticks long.  These units of measurement have helped me when considering how tall my bean plants have grown.  I first used a toothpick and when the plant grew taller, I supported it with a skewer and then I moved to a chopstick.  I could see the benefit of using non-standard units of measurement if what I was measuring was not very big.  Anything too long, though, requires too many items and it then becomes difficult to even carry them in order to measure something.  It is much easier to carry a measuring tape. I wonder how your experiences have been?  Keep measuring here, there and everywhere.  Even measure your Story Studio creations or items.  Just play with non-standard units of measurement until we move to using the metric units of measurement next week!  It is very challenging to see my units of measurement on the stairs, but they are there, blowing and rolling around. 

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