Pacific North West and Canadian Vibes! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Pacific North West and Canadian Vibes!

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We are ending November off with some more stories of the season shared through the beauty of the Cedar Tree; the tree of life for the First Nations of the Pacific North West Coast.

Students have connected to the tree through stories such as Stand Like A Cedar by Nicola Campbell.  They have linked their ideas about the Cedar Tree through connections to story and their personal experiences.  They made text to text, text to self and text to world connections.  A linking chain will continue to grow as the Autumn season of learning continues.

The creative process was experienced when students made use of Cedar boughs and branches for visual art. Students painted with the branches, painted on the branches and added the branches to their art pieces.  They created artist statements that shared their appreciation for the Cedar Tree.

Team Canada then became a focus for division 10 with much cheering and support going toward the Canadian players.  Team Canada has not participated in the World Cup in 36 years so a moment in history was shared amongst the students in the classroom.  Despite the loss, there was pride.  Claire shared, “they may not have won the game but they won in our hearts.”  It was an exciting game and we look forward to games 2 and 3.   Go Canada Go!

Click on the links below to hear some cheering from Room 15.


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